To all individuals who have traveled over the Stilwell Road, including Cowboys, Cockpit-drivers, Six-by-Six
Gear Strippers, Jeep Skippers and even mere Space Occupiers: Greetings:
Know ye that on this day (date of arrival) there appeared in the ancient City of Kunming, China, one (name of individual)
seated in a multi-wheeled gasoline consuming chariot, namely a (type of vehicle) which he drove or was driven in over the 1044
miles of the Stilwell Road (Ledo-Burma Roads) from Ledo to Kunming.
Be it remembered that he endured the tortures of the damned - of bouncing his posterior and jolting his kidneys
over countless rocks, ruts and rills and into holes; that he submerged into seas of muck; that his neck was endangered
by cave-ins and mountain slides, by inching along slippery brinks of mile-deep precipices, by tearing around countless
corkscrew twists and hairpin turns in fierce monsoon weather and in the humid heat of hell; that malarial mosquitoes,
pestiferous leeches, screaming monkeys, poisonous snakes and all kinds of insects, from mere itchers to bearers of
bubonic plague and scrub typhus, added to his tortures.