Hump Express
Vol. 1,   No. 18                       Published by India China Division,  Air Transport Command                        May  17,  1945

Fast Action by Flier Saves Life of Jungle Expert

Lt. Lanahan Pulls Wounded Man From Burning Airplane

    1352 BU, Mohanbari, Assam, India - The life of 1st Lt. William Diebold, jungle rescue expert who bails out over rugged Himalaya country to aid downed and injured ICD airmen, was saved this week by the pilot of his tiny liaison plane which crashed.
  1st Lt. T. M. "Bud" Lanahan, the pilot, badly injured himself, got out of the smashed airplane. When he saw Diebold, stunned and with a broken leg, sitting in the flaming wreckage, he dashed back into the fuselage, unhooked the helpless man's safety belt and dragged Diebold to safety.

Gets Commendation
  Major Don Pricer, CO of the Search and Rescue unit to which the officers are assigned, asserted:
  "Lt. Lanahan's action reflects the highest credit upon the service. He not only demonstrated real flying ability, but his instant reaction, although painfully injured himself, to Lt. Diebold's grave plight in the burning airplane, was courage of high order. It is with deep pleasure that I personally commend him on the behalf of this command."
  Maj. Pricer explained that the engine of the L-5 observation plane suddenly cut out when the aircraft was only 200 feet above the tree-tops of thick jungle with no clearing for miles.
  Lanahan, with only seconds to act, spotted what was a spur of the old Burma Road, approximately 75 to 100 feet long, towards which he slipped the airplane. Realizing it would be impossible to get the plane on the ground in such a short distance and that the plane might crash head-on into a cliff at the end of the spur, the pilot deliberately dug a wing into the ground in an effort to ground loop it. The plane sun around, tore a wing off and burst into flames.

On Rescue Mission
  The incident occurred northwest of Shingbwiyang in Burma. Lt. Diebold was leading a ground party by air to the scene of a crash. An engineering party in the vicinity took both Lanahan and Diebold to a nearby hospital.
  Later they were removed to the hospital here. Diebold suffered a broken leg and Lanahan a severely injured ankle. Both suffered lacerations about the head.
  Lt. Lanahan, a native of Urbana, Ill., flew as test pilot in Canada for the RCAF and as a Spitfire pilot in England for the RAF during the early stages of the battle for Britain, before resigning from the RAF and joining the AAF. He has served at several ATC stations in the States, the North African Division of ATC, and the 1340 BU in China. He only recently was assigned to 1352.


Personnel Won't Be Released
Unless Replacement Is Available

    Hq., Calcutta - Eligibility for readjustment of ICD personnel will be determined by the War Department "point system" with certain modifications to meet ATC requirements, it was announced here this week.
  It was pointed out by the personnel section that ICD's initial quota, assigned by ATC, Washington, is "extremely low - less than one-half of one percent of personnel" - also that no man may be released if and "outside" replacement is necessary.
  This means, according to A-1, that "few" of the many eligible under the point system will be severed from the service in the near future. It was explained ICD, unlike many commands in now inactive theaters, is expanding steadily in operations and personnel "to discharge the new and heavy responsibility it will assume in the final drive against Japan."

85 Points for GIs
  Personnel officers pointed out that no officer or enlisted man will be released from ICD, regardless of adjusted service rating, if a replacement is not available within the organization to which he is currently assigned. Base unit commanders will report only those eligibles for whom they now have replacements available.
  Minimum points required for consideration for discharge are 85 for enlisted men, 36 for flight officers, 42 for second lieutenants, 65 for warrant officers and 70 for captains and field grade officers, figured on the WD scale.
  The personnel section emphasized that eligibility for release does not necessarily mean that a discharge will be forthcoming. Enlisted men selected for the initial quota are those who have the highest adjusted service rating scores over 84. However, no man having an MOS in the critical shortage group, of for whom a replacement is not available, will be separated at the present time.
  To be eligible for the initial quota, an officer must not have an MOS appearing in the AAF critical shortage and surplus list. Also not to be considered for discharge are the following: those recommended for commission in the regular army; officers with patent attorney background; contract termination or re-negotiation project personnel; those in committed or pre-activation training, unless replacements are locally available and officers can be replaced without detrimentally affecting the war effort; those with an MOS of 0142, 1030, 1031, 1037, 1038 or 1028.
  headquarters has not been advised whether or not the policy of returning personnel under the readjustment plan will affect normal rotation. Men on 45-day TDY in lieu of rotation will be considered under the plan even if they are in the states.
  Return to the States, it was pointed out by A-1, does not mean immediate discharge. Men selected will be sent to the U.S. on a No. 2 air priority, with orders to report to the Ferrying division station nearest their home, in accordance with ATC Regulation 35-12. Discharge will then be given if the men are declared surplus by the commanders of the AAF, ASF of AGF, whichever has jurisdiction.

Saddle the Hoss, Pardner, We're Gonna Ride Tonight

    1348 BU, Myitkyina, Burma - By the close of this month the first bale of hay will be thrown out here,
signaling the opening of a 15-horse riding stable to be used for recreational purposes by men of this unit.
  Believed to be the first Army "riding academy" in these parts, the venture is assured of success, as the social calendar is rather lean here and jeeps are as scarce as steaks.
  The horses were acquired, through channels, from a nearby Army remount company and were formerly assigned to the Chinese Army. Most of them have the Good Conduct Medal and if the riders refrain from emulating Republic westerns, all should go well.
  Top man in the saddle is Capt. William L. Cowden, former tales rancher, who is in charge of the animals. Main task was building corrals, as even the largest tent couldn't house the equines. After the billeting was completed, the fattening-up took place. At present none of the four-foots looks like a Man O' War offspring, but the horses are in good shape and should give a laudable account of themselves.
  Policy of the stable will be established along civilian lines, with reservations in advance and equal rotation so that all equestrians get a crack at being checked out.
  Naturally, the cost is nothing and, for full enjoyment, riders should know the lyrics to "Don't Fence Me In."

Emergency Exits on ICD Aircraft Visible at Night

    Hq., Calcutta - Phosphorus-lighted escape hatches and emergency exits that shine in the dark are the newest safety devices planned for ICD aircraft.
  Approval has been received from ATC Hq in Washington and work on the project will begin within the next two weeks, according to Capt. Kirk C. Raynesford, division modification engineer. Conversion is to be accomplished by means of a phosphorus tape on which exit signs are printed.
  The tape, an outgrowth of the blackout era in the U.S., when it was used to outline darkened hallways and passages, was first suggested for use in Army planes by Capt. Raynesford in 1942. At that time he was a civilian engineer for TWA.
  Later adopted by Stateside commercial planes it now is being installed in ATC aircraft all over the world. Phosphorus outlined exits are considered especially valuable in cases where night crashes cut off the electrical supply, throwing the plane into total darkness.

Jungle Wallahs Stoop to Snakery as Big Game Fails

    1328 BU, Misamari, Assam, India - Anyone who is looking for a couple of snake skins can procure some from the "Ely-Miller Trapping Company."
  Sgt. William D. Ely and Pfc. Miller, of this base, decided to go into the trapping business to catch some of the fine jungle cats that have been known to visit the nearby countryside. They built some home-made traps.
  So far they have had no luck with the cagy kittens, which seem to be particular where and what they eat. However, they have caught several snakes. They are now thinking seriously of taking lessons in how to make snakeskin bags or shoes.

Plane Stays Aloft 334 Hours in April to Set New Record

    1342 BU, Chanyi, China - In a formal ceremony before assembled crew chiefs, Maj. R. E. Breazeale, director of aircraft maintenance here, commended Pfc. Bert Wren, crew chief, and his two assistants, Cpl. Granville Brown and Pfc. Zaven Nahigan, for keeping plane No. 648 in the air 334:35 hours in April for what is believed a new record in the theater.
  Three 100-hour inspections were pulled on the ship during the month.

Seven Bases Have Perfect Record as Accident Rate Drops

    Hq., Calcutta - Air crews in ICD accomplished more than a 20 percent reduction in the accident rate from March to April, according to a report by the statistical control section.
  The announcement said the rate is based upon figures taken from preliminary month-end reports which include minor, as well as major, accidents.
Have a Barrel of Fun
This is the latest thing in barrels as rolled out by the brothers Warner - notice the sturdy construction and round, firm lines.  Ornament perched atop the barrel is blonde, lovely Faye Emerson.

  Seven bases in the division with assigned or attached aircraft operated during the entire month of April without a crack-up, it was reported, The "safe" bases included 1303, 1305, 1307, 1309 and 1310 BUs, all in the India wing and 1339 and 1340 in the China wing.
  Many of the bases which did have mishaps during the month showed material improvement in their accident rates, according to the statistical control figures.

Call for Ballantine, Get Special Service

    1346 BU, India - A telephone operator at this base will testify that attempts to be funny can almost drive one crazy. Since the special service office got in on a party line, phone-happy people, instead of just asking for "244, ring three, please" have to make a pun out of it and say "Three rings for Ballantine." The special service officer is Capt. Forbes W. Ballantine.

Coolies Plus Patience
Move Ledo Road Convoy

    1340 BU, Kunming, China - With the help of 50 Chinese coolies, an improvised trailer frame and plenty of patience, a convoy of Autocar tractor and trailer refueling units arrived at this base via the Ledo-Burma Road to be assigned to the ATC in China.
  The convoy was brought here by ATC men from 1333 in Assam.
  When Cpl. Peter Berganciano's unit broke down, he traveled 85 miles with a telegraph pole holding the unit together. Both trailer spring leafs and frame suddenly snapped on a straight stretch of the road.
  Berganciano hurriedly stopped his vehicle and immediately recruited 50 Chinese coolies. He gave them orders to dig up a telephone pole. Then he summoned them to lift the trailer, and insert the five foot pole under an improvised frame. After three hours the unit was all set to continue its trek to Kunming.
  It took Berganciano 14 hours to complete the rest of way as he had to proceed slowly and check the frame at every turn.
  Lt. James D. McGuire, in charge of the convoy, feels that Berganciano is deserving of a commendation for completing the run on his own initiative.

Chinese Lights Burn Only When 1350 BU Telephone Buzzes

    1350 BU, Kunming, China - More and more the Chinese people are getting accustomed to the modern innovations which have been introduced along with the CI invasion of certain Chinese bases. One of the most inviting perplexities is the electric light.
  When a wire was strung from the airfield to an AACS station located several miles away, Chinese people saw an opportunity to get a little light on the subject. They snipped the wire and arranged a connection to light bulbs they possessed. But the thing worked only spasmodically.
  They had plugged in on a telephone wire. When anyone cranked a phone on the circuit the bulbs would produce, but otherwise there was darkness.
  On another occasion a Chinese general who saw the glistening high tension wires strung around the Kunming airfield decided to have some light. He ordered a duplicate of the other lines strung across the field. This was connected by a partially concealed wire to the Army's new power circuit. The other end of the line led to his installation.
  Capt. Charles Pietsch, Kouts, Ind., spotted the cleverly constructed private line and promptly put an end to the general's light source. He cut the wires.

Explorer Talks To ICD Pilots On Himalayas

British Speaker Describes Native Customs and Local Taboos

    1330 BU, Jorhat, Assam, India - Pilots stationed at this base recently heard a talk on the Himalaya Mountain country by F. Kingdom-Ward, noted British explorer who has spent 25 years studying the southeast Asia country from Singapore to Tibet.
  Kingdom-ward presented a general description of the Hump's terrain, its weather, and local inhabitants. He also offered some practical ideas to be observed by crews forced down in the various regions of the country. Included were taboos to be remembered in relation to the people, directions of walk-outs, establishing radio contact and instructions on how not to treat the women.
  The lecture embraced five main points to be followed by downed airmen: one, show the residents you are friendly; two, conceal firearms, never let anyone know you possess them; three, never refuse food when it is offered, regardless of its appearance or smell; four, never enter a local village at night, and five, never touch a woman's garment.
  A Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Linian Society, the explorer has made many expeditions over the mountains and through the river valleys and gorges of the Himalayas.

Mr. Five Feet Two Is Shortest Topkick

    1338 BU, Yunnanyi, China - The orderly room at this base has, among its other furniture, one low table with short legs.
  It is for the exclusive use of 1st Sgt. Kenneth J. Barnett, Aberdeen, Miss., who is, according to the men at the base, the smallest first sergeant in the IB and China Theaters.
  Barnett measure 5 feet, 2.

Home-Building AACS Men Live Alone - and Like It

    1350 BU, Kunming, China - Several miles from the hum of Kunming airfield, nine AACS men live in solitude, their main job being to guide in ships of the ATC.
  Twenty four hours a day they are on the job, working in shifts. Because it is impractical to commute between the field and the radio range every day, these men have set up housekeeping in their isolated location.
  Since the radio station was moved, about 45 days ago, the men have been busy building their own quarters. In their tents they are laying floors to be covered with the best carpets a GI salary will permit. A part of each tent is the washroom which will sport every convenience except a shower - because any metal above ground would interfere with transmission.
  The Army, "in lieu of rations," pays these nine men three dollars per day for meals. With this allowance they have hired a Chinese cook who buys their food and prepares it for them. They claim to have the best mess in China.
  Occasionally the men come out of the woods to a movie at the airfield or to buy PX supplies, but they beat a hasty retreat because they prefer their own quarters and mess hall.
  They say the only thing their homes lack are women and so far they have found no remedy for this shortage, because gals are not included in their table of equipment.

Fire-Fighting Time Cut 50 Percent by Schooling, Practice

    1330 BU, Jorhat, Assam, India - Since the inception of a fire-fighting training program at this base the time required to extinguish fires in plane wrecks has been reduced 50 percent.
  A daily training program. consisting of numerous practice runs and two hours of lectures, was organized by S/Sgt. Lester G. Connors and Sgt. Joseph P. Woods. After this training the time required to put out a fire was cut from three minutes to one minute and 30 seconds.
  Practical experience is gained by the use of a wrecked C-87 fuselage as a dummy. After being covered with gas and oil and ignited, the pyre is allowed to reach its maximum flame and heat before the fire-fighting crew is summoned. The speed with which the flame is extinguished is measured from the minute the crew arrives.

Steak Dinners Cost $2,000 in Kunming Eatery

Fountain Pen Prices Begin At $50,000 - But It's Chinese Money

    1340 BU, Kunming, China - "What Kunming has most of," F/O Alvin Kilberg said as the homemade bus plowed through the crowds on the tree-lined Burma Road into Kunming, "is people. You never saw so many people. There is hardly room for them to squat."
  The road crawled with people, marching soldiers, coolies with loads of vegetables, rickshaws in which merchants reclined grandly, two-wheeled rubber-tired carts pulled by tiny ponies, a gawdy crepe-paper funeral procession, bicycles with their tinkling bells.

Streamlined Building
  The bus once was a truck that hauled supplies over the Burma Road. The Chinese removed the body and, from wood and flattened gasoline drums, built a bus with leather covered benches running down each side and a third down the middle.
  As the bus threaded the narrow gates that still could stop raiders, the crowds thickened. Cubbyhole shops lined the narrow cobblestone streets. Near them Chinese squatted over their wares or wove mats or shoed horses or washed the newest baby or cooked rice.
  Charley stopped the bus near the fanciest building in town, the eight month old streamlines Red Cross building. The ATC fliers and ground men piled out.

Dicker for Dollars
  Their feet hardly hit the street before sleezy character who looked as if they had never had a cent, sidled up and whispered: "Change you money? Seven hundred." They meant they would trade 700 Chinese dollars for one American. Three months ago they were offering 400.
  "Seven-fifty," bartered a GI grown wise in six months of Kunming life. The money changer faded out but others took his place. At last one motioned a GI inside a cubbyhole and pulled out a six-inch thick wad of hundred dollar bills, Chinese. Nearby a merchant was dickering with the shopkeeper. He carried his money in a suitcase.

Parker 51s
  Al emerged with 14,000 Chinese dollars. That's a lot of money except that Billy's, the favorite restaurant for GIs, soaked him 2,000 dollars for a steak and french fries.
  Once Al wondered at the shops, full of silks and satin, silver jewelry, Underwood typewriters, Leica cameras, Parker 51s. He used to ask prices. When he found a Parker sold for upwards of 50,000 Chinese bucks - about 70 dollars American - he decided the shops were full of imported goods because no Chinese could afford to buy them and Americans go in only for souvenirs.
  But then Al took a rickshaw to Yunnan college - 500 dollars please, the coolie demanded - and inside the 10-foot thick walls that guard the college, Al got a lesson on wealth in the midst of poverty. Every student was busy making the Chinese characters - with Parker 51s.

Dream of Stateside Banana Split Comes True for China GI

    1340 BU, Kunming, China - When T/Sgt. Bert W. King, Alameda, Calif., gets home, he's going to have to spend a lot of time at the corner drugstore eating banana splits.
  Recently Sgt. King wrote to his hometown newspaper about his longing for a good old 25 cent banana split. Through the newspaper he put in a reservation with his favorite drugstore for 25 of the gooey messes.
  The newspaper gave the story a two column head, the drugstore granted him the request - "on the house." Now all he has to do is sweat out his rotation orders . . a year and a half more.

Pass the Watermelon, Pappy
An elephant-powered disker broke the ground for this 1347 BU truck farm.  Now Indian workers, supervised by Pfc. George Schweitzer, continue the work which will yield a variety of fruit and vegetables for the enlisted men's mess.  The sign is a take-off on the emblem of the ATC, substituting carrots, corn, tomato, string beans and radishes fir the distinctive parts.

Soldiers, Elephants, Bulldozers
Straining to Prepare Garden

    1347 BU, Shamshernagar, India - Truck farming on a ten-acre scale combines the brains and brawn of GIs, elephants, bulldozers and Indian gardeners to produce vegetable on the edge of this base.
  Bulldozers cleared dead trees and stumps from what was considered the most unproductive section of land in the vicinity. An elephant was hitched to a native disc and the ground was broken.
  Seeds were contributed by men who had written home for them - and Indian gardeners now are working the garden which soon will be producing watermelons, beans, tomatoes, beets, carrots, spinach and many other fresh fruit and vegetable products for the enlisted men's mess.
  NCOIC of the project is Pfc. George Schweitzer who has the unique distinction of having two officer volunteers, Capt. Charles Washburn and Lt. Alfred Joyal, working under his direction. Schweitzer holds a BS from the college of agriculture at Cornell.

'Scrap Metal' Chapel Dedicated
By Base Chaplain at 1305

    1305 BU, Calcutta, India - In a dedication ceremony here recently Maj. Herbet T. Wilson, ICD chaplain, officially opened the doors of a new "Meditation Room" which GIs constructed almost entirely from scrap material.
  Sgt. Joseph G. Busuttil, of Tuckahoe, N.Y., who supervised the building of the chapel, was assisted by Cpl. Felix D'Agnilli, of Utica, N.Y. Although the entire engineering department combined talents to design the room, there were no blueprints and additional plans and improvements were made throughout its construction.
  Unique indirect lighting was achieved by gathering many pieces of discarded glass, the final work being completed by M/Sgt. A. S. Jaeger, S/Sgt. J. R. Byram, Sgt. Lawrence Burks and Cpl. J. A. Aguire.
  Work began on Dec. 4 and the scrap lumber project was completed on Apr. 6 at which time Lt. Col. Clayton E. Joyce, base CO, turned over the "key" to Capt. Harry F. Wade, chaplain, at the dedication ceremony. The entire job was supervised by the base utilities officer, Maj. Edward Barnum.

'Sweetheart of 1328' Gets Mail Rush Job

    1328 BU, Miramar, Assam, India - Guys from this base who helped choose Miss Ann Elizabeth Taylor, sister of Sgt. John Taylor, alert crew chief, as "Sweetheart of the 1328" are getting a little competition.
  ICD men from all parts of the theaters have been swamping her Columbia, S.C. home with letters ever since her picture and the story of the beauty contest appeared in Hump Express several weeks ago.
  Sgt. Taylor, who entered her picture in the contest, refuses to divulge just how ardent those fan letters are, but says that the letters number more than somewhat.

Miners Labor For Japs Until Freed by Allies

Trapped by Japanese Troops in Burma, Now Work at 1348 BU

    1348 BU, Myitkyina, Burma - Indian mine workers, formerly captive employees of the Japs in Burma, are now on the payroll at this base.
  Before the war the laborers were associated with the Burma corporation and worked in the lead and silver mines located in the central part of this country. Many of them have been mining in Burma for 15 and 20 years.

Nothing To Buy
  According to these men, the Japs have the U.S. forces beat when it comes to making carbon copies of work orders, memoranda, and other paper work. Sometimes, they said, the Japs made as many as 20 second sheets for a simple memorandum.
  The Japs paid the workers Rs. 127/8 a month - in Nip invasion currency, but this wasn't too bad because there wasn't anything to buy anyways.

One a Photographer
  When the Chinese troops threatened the village, the men were thrown into a prison camp where they were kept until Chinese and American soldiers captured the town and set them free.
  A fine standard of workmanship has been established at this base by the employees. Several are clerks, one is an accountant, others are skilled blacksmiths, and one is an experienced photographer.

Dispense Charm to Transients
1306 BU, Karachi, India - Cpl. Charles S. Rowe (left) and Sgt. Ervin Lanemann, of the transient service section here, have no complaints to make about their fellow workers.  The three advertisements for the civilian personnel system are, left to right, Joy Kessler, Peggy Farrell and Enid Lord.

Negro Choir Gives USO Troupe
Special Preview of Musicale

    1333 BU, Chabua, Assam, India - The ICD Negro show, "The Listening Skies," took time out from its rehearsals for the fifth time to play a special performance for visitors.
  This time the guests were members of the USO camp show, "Happy Holiday," including Pann Merryman, Oliver Scott, Duke Jordan and the two Jinzes.
  The Negro show, which tells the history of American Negro music, was first visited by Ian Stephens, editor of The Statesman. As rehearsals progressed, special performances were held for Frank Bolden, Negro war correspondent representing the Negro National Press association, Lt. Col. W. W. Porter and his inspector general staff from ATC Hq., Washington, and stars of USO Camp show "Funzafire."
  After witnessing the performance, the "Happy Holiday" group joined "The Listening Skies" cast in a jam session, with Scott beating out some boogie-woogie at the piano and Jordon accompanying on the bass fiddle. Miss Merryman sat atop the piano cheering while Maralyn and Madaline, the two Jinxes, jitterbugged with the men.
  The accumulated praise of "The Listening Skies" has made its cast work harder, to meet all expectations. Invitations for its premiere now are being sent and roadside billboards soon will adorn main highways, advertising the opening date.

Elmer Counted Out In 'Friendly Games'

    1338 BU, Yunnanyi, China - Whenever the boys at this base sit down for a friendly game of poker they never ask "Where's Elmer?" They just make sure he's not at the table.
  Sgt. Elmer G. Hotchkins is strictly a card shark. MOS says he's a communications man, but anytime he feels like getting out of a little work, he pulls out a deck of cards and puts on a show for the boys.
  In between his radio checks on the planes, he can be found in the center of a baffled group of GIs who have yet to diagnose one of his many tricks.


    1343 BU, Luliang, China - There is evidence here that the GI sense of humor can survive anything. At the gas station, where a sign offers "Good Gulf," a water tank was lettered "Water." Above this label now appears a fanciful addition - the startling (and somewhat misleading) addition, "Ice Cold Beer, Ten Cents."

Latest Plans for Release of Over-Age Men
Fails to Stir Any Optimism Among ICD Men

Majority of GIs Intend to Stay in Army Until War's Over

    1306 BU, Karachi, India - A flurry of excitement was caused in the upper age brackets here by the War Department's recent announcement that GIs 42 and over are now eligible for release from the Army.
  A spur of the moment survey of nine qualifying men reveals three are definitely in favor of sticking it out for the duration, while most of the potential "takers" of releases are only lukewarm and might still decide to sweat
"Just where do you stand on this point deal, Colonel?"
- By Capt. Dick Prezebel
out the remainder of the war.

Will Sweat It Out
  Sgt. Harry S. Miller, 49, married and father of a 13-year-old girl, is a 30-year veteran of New York show business. He says:
  "Not for me. Personally, I hate Army regimentation as much as any other GI, but I enlisted because I didn't want to live in the Nazis' or Nips' world. When the job is finally finished I'll be only too happy to go back into show business."
  S/Sgt. James M. Johnson, 45, of Indianapolis, Ind.; Pfc. Gwin W. Boothe, 43, of Coeur D'Alent, Ida.; S/Sgt. C. H. A. Coesfeld, 43, of Hackensack, N.J., and Pvt. Carl C. Anderson, 43, of Chicago are all due for rotation soon and are not too eager. Composite sentiment seemed to be to await rotation and apply for discharge when back in the States.
  Cpl. Verne Hale, 42, of Moses Lake, Wash., is due for rotation soon but because of poor health "would grab the first opportunity to get out of the Army." hale already has put in 23 months in the IB Theater.

Will Stick It Out
  T/Sgt. Arthur K. Serumgard, 51, of Helena, Mont., is a veteran of World War I. As yet he has not fully made up his mind. He says:
  "Going back to my wife and four kids and to my old job sounds good to me, but if I'm still needed, I won't mind staying the limit."
  Sgt. Thomas N. Kellahan, 45, of Kingstree, S.C., and Sgt. Thomas McGowan, 42, of Boston, come up for rotation soon and say they will "be satisfied with getting that and sticking the show out." Kellahan, a former county judge, says, "I've been taking orders so long now I believe I've forgotten how to give 'em!"

French Lady Plans Wonderful Time for Saddest Guy in ICD

    1345 BU, Kurnitola, India - Self-styled saddest man in the ICD is Pfc. Herbert Darling, local tech supply wallah.
  Several days ago darling received a letter written entirely in French and in a dainty feminine hand. After a fevered search for a translator, finally successful, he discovered that the message was from a woman in France who had met his father during the last war. She wrote:
  "I am giving you my address in case you happen to come to this country. My whole family would be happy to have you visit and will do its best to entertain you . . . and with a full heart we will clink glasses together to l'Amerique and to France."
  Sweltering in the Valley's heat, Darling re-reads the letter again and again. He is a most unhappy man.

Visiting GIs Shudder at Gruesome Hindu Festival

    1347 BU, Shamshernagar, India - When the Hindus celebrate Charakpuja (New Year's Eve) they delve into "a world in a mood for creation, with the old year expiring and a new one rising out of its destruction."
  To observe these festivities a dozen enlisted men and officers of this ICD base traveled to a secluded village on invitation of an English teaplanter and chief babu (headman) of the natives. They witnessed scenes of unbelievable self-imposed torture, ate at the table of the chieftain and were present at the ceremonies.
  After a dance during which the participants jumped on the sharp blades of bolo knives, they were led to a nearby stream for the "bath of purification."
  Leaving the stream, they walked back to a sacred temple, with large steel needles stuck through their tongues. After the needles, two feet long, were thrust through the tongues, a large China rose was attached to one of the protruding points. This part of the ceremonies signified that all verbal sins of the devotees during the past year were forgiven.
  Startling phase of the performance was the "Pashban" or self-inflicted torture in atonement for past sins
Wounds Are Deep But No Blood Flows
Guests at one of the strangest of Indian rituals, 1347 GIs witnessed an almost unbelievable display of yogi during a Hindu New Year's celebration.  At left, Cpl. Tony Chimilewski is shown watching priests as they thrust steel hooks into the backs of religious volunteers.  Held aloft by these sharp pincers, the Hindus, at right, are swung through space.  Oddly enough there was no trace of blood despite their deep wounds.
of the body. Tridents with needle-sharp points were thrust through the sides of the devotees, among whom were two children. The tridents were removed from the need after they had circled the temple of the goddess seven times.
  Perhaps the most striking part of the ceremony was the performance at the "May-pole," a weird looking structure which included a tall bamboo pole, a circular platform at the base which moved freely at the touch of a few hands, an four lengths of stout hemp cord dangling from four separate prongs at the top of the pole.
  A priest inserted gaffs (which resembled large meat hooks) into the backs of four of the devotees. To do this he pinched a broad section of flesh from the upper waist of each of the participants and thrust the razor-sharp bit through. The four (three men and a small boy) were led to the platform under the pole, suspended to the ends of the long cords and were soon squirming and whirling through the air.
  This May-pole and its ceremony symbolized the abject impotence of mankind before the power of the deities. It brought the party to a climatic close.

Chinaside COs Hold Wing Discussion to Talk of the Future

    1350 BU, Kunming, China - Commanding officers of all China bases were summoned to Wing Hq last week for a special meeting to discuss problems of speeded-up operations, which have been affected on no small way by the defeat of Germany.
  With the expected increase in tempo of military operations in this theater in keeping with its growing importance in the defeat of Japan, a greater load has been placed upon the China wing.
  Col. Richard F. Bromiley, wing CO, congratulated base COs on last month's record-shattering activities.
  During a roundtable discussion, which gave the "brass" of China ATC the opportunity to let its hair down, predominant were the problems of messing, transportation, needed airplane parts, adequate field lighting, radio aids, flight procedures and the need for more tools and equipment for engineering.
  A stepped-up recreational program for improvement of morale, was considered of prime importance. More expeditious unloading of aircraft, fueling and refueling to cut turnaround time, were emphasized, Plans were discussed for furnishing better lighting for night aircraft maintenance.

War Correspondent Sends Messages to Chicago Families

    1350 BU, Kunming, China - GIs, notorious for wanting something for nothing, have found a fairy godfather in Art Veysey, war correspondent of the Chicago Tribune.
  Any GI from Chicago, or within 50 miles of there, can send a 15-word radio back home "for free" on the Tribune.
  Word has spread like wildfire and lads have been streaming in to the China wing public relations office where Art is making his headquarters while in China. He combines the messages and sends them back to the paper at press rates, just like he would file a news story. Then the Tribune sends them to their destinations, as well as printing them in the paper.
  It helps Veysey, too, because he's especially interested in writing about GIs from the Chicago area, and instead of having to go out and look for them, Mohammed Veysey sits and waits for the mountain.
  His material goes into a syndicated column, "GI Pacific," which is carried by 19 of the largest papers, scattered all over the country, representing a circulation of more than 10,000,000.

  In reference to the article on the use of oxygen which appeared in the May 3 edition of Hump Express, I would like to cite the following incident which shows how the improper use of oxygen can be fatal.
  Recently we lost a good man simply because he removed his oxygen mask at 25,000 feet to walk around in the plane. His death was just as sudden and just as great a loss as if he had been killed by a Jap bullet.
  I wish we could impress upon the flight crews the importance of oxygen at high altitudes. Most of them realize it is needed but some do not realize how very essential it is.
  - Col. E. A. Abbey, Division Flight Surgeon, 1330 BU

  I think I have one for ATC. I have read of various men having contests as to their age. As for me, I'll ask you to show me a man in ATC with a lower serial number than mine. My number is 36792.
  I was first assigned that number in October, 1917. Later, in May, 1942, I re-enlisted and was given the same number. During War I, I served with the 139th Aero squadron of the Second Pursuit group. At that time I was a truck driver, saw service through the Toule defense sector, St. Miheil and Meuse-Argonne offensive.
  File clerks and others say my number is a headache . . . It's a headache to me because every time I go
Keep Our Rendezvous

My dear, each night before I sleep
There is a rendezvous I keep
With pen in hand I pause a while,
Trying to remember just how you smile.

Then as I write to tell you, dear,
I love you so - I shed a tear
For the lonely hours we are apart,
Those hours that almost break my heart.

Your picture sits before me here
Smiling so sweetly, my precious dear,
I kiss it, sweetheart - then feel blue
Because your picture can't kiss too.

But someday, dear, when war is through,
I'll keep a rendezvous with you,
And all our cares will then be past
As I kiss your dear sweet lips at last.

  - Pvt. C. R. McCraken
    1340 BU, Kunming
to a new station everyone I come in contact with thinks I don't even know my own serial number.
  - Sgt. Clifford G. Albright, Sqdn. D, 1330 BU
Ed.-Any more guys in this numbers racket?

  Many GIs seem to be pretty well peeved when they read their hometown paper. Especially soldiers who have been in combat.
  When such stories as this get big play-ups in papers, it's no wonder the guys are a little sore:
  "Sgt. John Doakes has been awarded the Good Conduct medal for meritorious service."
  Just show me one guy that ever received the Good Conduct medal for meritorious service! Or, something
"She didn't act right all day yesterday, Sir!"
like a story on a fellow being promoted to Pfc. and then again a line about an outfit being awarded the Meritorious Service plaque for superior performance of duty . . . always accompanied by a big build-up.
  Maybe the papers back home don't realize that such honors are not as important as the GI who receives the DFC, the Air Medal, clusters or the Purple Heart. If they don't, it's high time they learned.
  Why doesn't the War Department PRO issue a directive limiting the amount of stories written about GIs who receive the Good Conduct ribbon to one paragraph? Same thing for other unimportant awards. Imagine how Joe Jones feels when he reads a piece from his hometown paper saying he has been awarded the GC medal and promoted to Pfc. after two to three years in the Army!
  - S/Sgt. Dick Cramins, 1327 BU
Ed.-Amen! Hope we never did such a ghastly thing in Hump Express.

  There is no doubt that inefficiency contributed greatly to Germany's downfall. What is a more accurate index to a nation's efficiency then the number of characters required to express a simple concept? Take jet propulsion (we said simple concept, not simple machine). In our organization it's "JP" - on one original and six carbons, maybe, but still only two letters. In the Navy it's (we think) JACO or some such group of four characters. In the Luftwaffe, according to Yank, it was called Heissluftstahltriebwerke. Twenty-four characters, and a pretty clotted mouthful. Germans, how did you last as long as you did?


Vehicles Enter PLM Line
Vehicles of every size and description pass through the 1347 BU maintenance "production line."  Because the drivers themselves pull all checks, and because a staggered schedule is maintained, no one vehicle waits idly for its turn.
Checked in by the NCOIC
Drivers are under direct supervision of a vehicle-wise truckmaster and his assistants.  M/Sgt. Joseph Sherr (right) NCOIC of the motor pool, oversees an inspection pulled by Sgt. Andrew Horvath (center) and Cpl. Emmett Crossland.

Welders Do Their Jobs
As in aircraft "production line maintenance," the idea is to forestall trouble.  When vehicles are found to need repair, base ordnance specialists come to the rescue.  These two welders are Pvt. William Stephens and Cpl. Perry Quibodeaux.
Bearings Cleaned and Greased
Sgt. Charles Brady and S/Sgt. Albert Cockrell pack bearings and examine a brake drum on a prime mover which has come in for a periodic check.  Maintenance of this type means increased life for hard-to-get vehicles.

Maintenance Saves Wear
Into the pit at the motor pool goes a GI to inspect a crane which has been pulled in for a periodic checkup.  At steady stream of staff cars, jeeps, tugs, trucks, ambulances and tractors makes the maintenance line a never-ceasing operation.

Motor Pool 'Joes' Make Greater Speed
with Production Line Maintenance

    Motor pool service has taken a novel twist at the 1347 BU where vehicle maintenance has been put on a production line basis.
  The idea was borrowed from the engineering section where a system of providing specialists for individual operations in plane maintenance has become standard. Men familiar with every phase of motor pool work are responsible for the rejuvenation of staff cars, jeeps, tugs, trucks, ambulances, tractors and cranes which move in a double row into the inspection area.

Emerge Ready To Go
  preliminary checks, including tests of everything from tire pressure to radiator water, are pulled by
'OK' Take 'er Away!
His truck ready to go back to work, Cpl. Emmett Carter gets a final OK from Sgt. Michael Trapani before driving off the maintenance line.  Average time for one of the vehicles to pass the inspection is ten minutes.
the drivers themselves, under the supervision of the yard truckmaster. Vehicles then continue down the line where skilled ordnance men and specialists do the actual repair work.
  At one stop a fender is straightened and welded securely. At another, a set of new brakes is installed. Farther down the line a carburetor is adjusted, and at still another stop a broken windshield is replaced. When the vehicle emerges from the maintenance line it is again in working order and "ready for action."
  In cases where no repairs are necessary the average inspection takes but ten minutes.

Obtain Instruction
  Since transportation is considered a critical item overseas, it is necessary for drivers to have a complete malum of mechanics in order to keep operation time lost at a minimum. As they take their vehicles through the inspection line they have an opportunity to discuss problems with the truckmaster. In this way they obtain on-the-job training which will be valuable in case of a road breakdown.
  All technical checks and weekly inspections are recorded on a "status board" which is placed in a convenient spot at the end of the maintenance line. On this board information pertaining to the inspection status of assigned vehicles is recorded daily. Thus a check is kept on deadline pull-ins and provisions made for replacement of vehicles out of service.
  The "production line maintenance" system was originated at the 1347 motor pool by Capt. Stephen Lane, motor transportation officer; M/Sgt. Joseph Sherr, NCOIC of motor pool operations, and S/Sgt. Antonio Baca, truckmaster.

Time Chopped Off 1330 Flight Record

    1330 BU, Jorhat, Assam, India - A new field record for flight from this base to 1344 BU (Hsinching, China) and return was made recently.
  The total elapsed time for the roundtrip was seven hours and five minutes, one hour and 20 minutes better than the old record of eight hours and 25 minutes.
  The crew on the aircraft included Capt. Lloyd F. Melichar, Pasadena, Calif., pilot; 1st Lt. Vern A. McKay, Beaumont, Tex., co-pilot; Cpl. John B. Kast, Ft. Wayne, Ind,. radio operator, and Cpl. Andrew Elaaksonen, Cleveland, Ohio, crew chief.

Looking Toward the Mountains
The coolie and his rickshaw today are as representative of slow-changing China as they were hundreds of years ago.  The rolling hills in the background are typical of much of the area in which personnel of this command now serve.  This picture was made near an advance ICD base.

India Claims Religion as Basis
To Her Way of Eternal Life,
Also a Path to a Finer World

  By B. J. Vaswani

    Of the myriad-moded life of India, religion is so much the central core that any foreigner who attempts to study the external aspects of India's social and political structure and its domestic life without a grasp of the fundamentals of the faiths that move the people of India is likely to fall into error.
  The West, in its pride of achievement in physical sciences, has turned its back on religion. In fact, it appears as if its so-called "progress" is in inverse ratio to its practice of Christianity.

'Religion Saves Humanity'
  The two world wars should be enough pointers to the eternal truth - "if the people's soul is lost, all is lost," that the "true test of human greatness is not in the extent of worldly possessions but in the moral power to renounce ownership," that "if spiritual enlightenment does not keep pace with the advancement of science, all our achievement may turn into dust or result in a new kind of cannibalism by which one nation of men devours another and annihilates all civilization."
  Religion has saved humanity in the past, and will save it again - fortunately for the world, people of Asia still cling to religion as the source of tru human progress and true human happiness.
  The East is the home of great world religions. If there is one country of which it can truly be said, "Here religion is life, and life is religion," it is India.

'Reservoir of Truths'
  Around India has grown, for these many generations, a dense fog of misrepresentation, so that what men of the West, fed by false tales, know of India is but a travesty of truth.
  Misunderstood and maligned by the conceit of men who hate her because they have injured her or by those who do not know, yet pretend to know, India is still the reservoir of those truths which will save humanity.
  India is waiting to be the real Shangri-La in the world of men. She may be judged and found wanting by the jestling Pilates of the earth, she may be nailed to the cross and held up to scorn, but her calumniators will witness that bewidering resurrection which she always has achieved through the ages.

'Spirit of Humanity'
  Religion has been the Rock of Ages for India. Religion has been the secret of her eternal life. Greece and Rome, where are they? Where are Assyria, Babylon, and Egypt? They went the way of all flesh. But India lives on, because she still has he gaze fixed on those beacon lights of spiritual truth which her sages placed on the Himalayan heights for all those who have an eye to see and will see.
  The West, intoxicated with the pride of power and possession and deeply puzzled as to why it gets into a slough of despond time and again, will do well to ponder over the truths of life which India has held up for countless ages, truths which the West is neglecting at her peril, truths which will be the saving of humanity even in its present terrible travail.
  The spirit of India which is the spirit of humanity, the spirit of India which never dies, is embodied in three main religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, with their offshoots Sikhism, Arya, Samaj and Theosophical society.

Terrific Winds Made by Blower To Test Heaters

Invention Saves Work, Time,
Makes Check Rides Unnecessary
Man-Made Gale Ready To Roar
The "wind-blower" for testing C-46 cabin heaters at the 1306 BU is hooked up while some of the men responsible for the ingenious development watch. They are (left to right) Pvt. Thirl Flugan, S/Sgt. Elam Gillon, S/Sgt. James M. Johnson, Tech. Rep. Winford Newton, Lt. John Mitchell and Lt. Col. Harvey Miller.

    1306 BU, Karachi, India - A "windblower" is the latest labor-saving and efficiency-increasing invention of several enlisted men and officers here.
  The development tests cabin heaters on Curtiss Commandos, making test hops for this purpose unnecessary. Combining the power of an 85-horsepower V-8 engine from a scrapped Ford truck with that of a turbo supercharger, the blower creates an in-flight condition.
  Buckets are removed from the supercharger and the fan mechanism is connected to the shaft of the V-8 with a direct drive unit which boosts the power of the engine.
  The fan builds up a terrific centrifugal force so compounded within the bowl of the supercharger that on escaping through the tunnel outlet it become a wind of 200 mph velocity. Since a resistance equal to a 120 mph gale is required to properly test a cabin heater, the only previous method was to fly the plane.
  The engineering project was drafted under direction of Lt. Col. Harvey K. Miller, base aircraft maintenance supervisor, completed by Lt. John W. Mitchell and S/Sgt. Elam R. Gillon.

1345 Officers and EM Create $35,000 Nestegg in States

    1345 BU, Kurmitola, India - More than $35,000 was sent back to the States by officers and enlisted men of this base as a result of a well-publicized savings campaign.
  This figure, more than 80 percent of the monthly payroll, includes money sent home by Class B and Class E allotments, soldiers' deposits, personal transfer accounts and cash purchases of war bonds.

New First Aid Room Added to Terminal

    1309 BU, Bangalore, India - Latest service addition in the passenger terminal here is a first aid room, constructed by Sgt. Rocco Vicino, base utilities NCO. In charge of the miniature dispensary is Miss Mary Louise Cradock, a former nurse who doubles as receptionist at the transient service counter.

Maj. Gen. Grant Commends ICD Medical Service

Air Surgeon Calls Command Support Best Ever Seen in Army

    Hq., Calcutta - The ICD medical service has been commended by Maj. Gen. David N. W. Grant, the air surgeon, Army Air Forces. In a memorandum to Brig. Gen. William H. Tunner, Gen. Grant wrote:
  "Without exception, the command support given to the medical department is superior to any I have seen in my 30 years' service in the Army." The statement also said the air surgeon found "on the whole, the sick reports were even lower than those in the continental United States."
Col. Abbey

Credit to Men
  Commending the many persons who shared in the achievements, Gen. Grant specifically called attention to the work of Col. Edward A. Abbey, division flight surgeon; Maj. Duncan V. Luth, 1333 BU flight surgeon, and Capt. Austin E. Lamberts, 1352 BU (Search and Rescue Squadron) flight surgeon.
  These three men accompanied the air surgeon on his extensive tour of ATC stations in India and Burma.
  Col. Abbey gave the credit to the men in his organization, stating that the splendid record was only possible because of their hard work and conscientious efforts in the medical program. Pursuant to ATC's policy of sending the best men to the toughest places, the medical personnel were hand-picked for assignments. many had previous positions with the Caribbean Wing where they gained valuable knowledge in the prevention and cure of tropical diseases.

Advisory Capacity
  The division flight surgeon credited this for the low sick rate at ICD bases. Medical personnel are experienced in the prevention of diseases, adept at destroying sources of infection.
  Incidence of malaria, one of the most potent and prevalent tropical diseases, is relatively low in this area because malaria control is so strictly enforced.
  Col. Abbey pointed out that today mosquitoes are "virtually absent" from many of the bases, whereas a year ago they were present in swarms. Other factors are the sanitary conditions under which food is prepared and served and also the strict hygienic with which native workers must comply before they can work on Army bases.

Lauds Teamwork
  Col. Abbey said the commanding general and the commanding officers of division bases have given whole-hearted co-operation. The difficult task of keeping the men healthy has been made easier through the teamwork, he stated.
  Col. Abbey feels these men deserve the highest credit for their work. They are not only responsible for the welfare of the men on the ground, but they are constantly seeking new ways to aid the men during their flights over the Hump.

GI Thrown Out Then Back Into Plane by Wind

Radio Operator Hangs Onto Rope To Save Life Over Hump

    1333 BU, Assam, India - A freak wind over the Hump made a human yo-yo out of Pfc. Lee Ford, radioman who was thrown out of his cargo plane and left dangling at the end of a rope.
  Caught in a storm over the Himalayas, Ford began to jettison the load of wooden crates on order of the pilot, Lt. Robert Seekins. As the radioman tossed out the cargo, a sudden downdraft caught the plane and he felt himself pulled toward the open door. Desperately he grabbed the tie-down rope as he was hurled into space.
  Hanging in mid-air with nothing but his firm grip on the rope to keep him from being dashed to death against the Himalayan rocks, Ford was knocked about by the strong winds. Although he had worn his 'chute, he had unfastened it to give him free movement while dumping the cargo.
  Lt. Seekins looked back and saw Ford's head bobbing up and down below the plane. But both he and the co-pilot, Lt. R. H. Gustafson, were struggling with the controls and unable to help. Ford's useless parachute and heavy flying clothing made climbing back impossible.
  Then fate took a kindly turn. Just as his grip was beginning to loosen, Ford was caught in an air current. The updraft lifted the helpless operator and tossed him neatly back into the plane.

BROAD VIEWS                      By Kin Platt "I just happened to think - when do you get a day off around here?"

3-Man Crew Takes More Than
6 Days for Hump Crossing

   1350 BU, Kunming, China - An ICD three-man crew recently set a new record for crossing the Hump - six and a half days via the Burma Road.
  Driving from Myitkyina to Kunming, Sgts. John Seddon, Brian Stiles and Cecil Crader traveled the 892 miles to settle any argument about ICD's ability to operate on the ground. The airline distance between the two points is about 500 miles, takes two and a half hours flying time.
  Traveling through bandit country, they sloshed through the Irrawaddy river ford and headed into the jungle hills. At times the going was so tough that they were dependent upon the engineers to dig a stretch of road for them.

It Could Happen Only In This Army of Ours

    1333 BU, Chabua, Assam, India - Fried chicken, as anyone will tell you, is supposed to be a delectable dish and not one to be taken lightly. It is also a rare and much sought-after delicacy here in Assam.
  Because of this and an occurrence here recently, the mess sergeant is going around muttering to himself.
  Fried whole chicken was the piece de resistance at the officer's mess one evening when Maj. Fred Keith and Capt. G. M. Rogers came in and took their places at the table. They immediately - with no qualms whatever - ordered Vienna sausage.

  HUMP EXPRESS is the official newspaper of the India-China Division, Air Transport Command, APO 192, c/o Postmaster, New York, N.Y., and is published by its Public Relations office.  Camp Newspaper Service and Army Newspaper Service features are used, reproduction of which is prohibited without permission of CNS and ANS, 205 East 42nd St., New York, 17, N.Y.  Other material is submitted by staff members, ICD-ATC base Public Relations sections and other soldier correspondents.  Printed weekly by the Hindusthan Standard, 3 Burman St., Calcutta, India, and distributed each Thursday.  Passed by U.S. Press Censor for mailing.

Military transport schedules over India for cargo, personnel and mail . . . maximum tonnage of essential war materials over the Hump . . . movement of troops and supplies in support of tactical operations in China . . . evacuation of the sick and wounded - these are the missions of ICD-ATC.

MAY  17,  1945    

Original issue of HUMP EXPRESS shared by CBI veteran Steven C. King, author of Flying the Hump to China.
Note: The dateline in each story has had the specific location name added.
A better quality image of the photo of Faye Emerson was used in this recreation.

Copyright © 2006 Carl Warren Weidenburner