Sept. 1 - Germany invades Poland.
Sept. 3 - Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.
Nov. 30 - First Russo-Finnish War begins.
Mar. 12 - Russo-Finnish peace treaty.
April 9 - Germany invades Denmark and Norway.
May 3 - Germany invades Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg.
May 26 - Belgium surrenders.
May 30 - Evacuation of British from Dunkirk.
June 10 - Italy declares war on Allies.
June 14 - Germans occupy Paris.
June 22 - Franco-German armistice.
June 26 - Rumania joins Axis. Free French committee set up in London under De Gaulle.
Aug. 8 - Battle of Britain begins.
Sept. 27 - Tripartite pact between Germany, Italy and Japan.
Oct. 20 and 23 - Hungary and Rumania join the Axis.
Oct. 27 - Italy attacks Greece.
Mar. 14 - German counter-offensive in North Africa under Rommel.
April 10 - Germans invade Greece.
May 20 - German airborne invasion of Crete.
June 22 - Germany attacks Russia.
September, October - Germans capture Kiev, Smolensk, Gomei, Kharkov, Odessa and Donetz basin, lay siege to Leningrad.
Dec. 7 - Japs attack Pearl Harbor.
Dec. 11 - United States declares war on Germany and Italy.
Jan. 2 - Manila falls.
Feb. 15 - Singapore falls.
Mar. 9 - Rangoon falls.
May 6 - Battle of the Coral Sea turns the tide of the Pacific war as huge invasion fleet is repulsed.
May 26 - Anglo-Russian alliance signed.
June 21 - Tobruk falls to Rommel's second counter-offensive in North Africa.
Aug. - Solomon island landings.
Sept. 13 - Siege of Stalingrad begins
October - Aleutians recaptured.
Nov. 4 - Allies land in French North Africa at Oran and Casablanca.
Nov. 19 - Russian counter-offensive launched at Stalingrad.
Jan. 13 - Siege of Leningrad broken.
Jan. 26 - Roosevelt-Churchill conference at Casablanca.
Feb. 17 - Russians take Kharkov.
May 12 - German collapse in Tunisia ends North Africa campaign.
July 10 - Allies land in Sicily.
July 25 - Mussolini thrown out.
Sept. 3 - Italy surrenders unconditionally.
Oct. 8 - Italy declares war on Germany; become co-belligerent
Dec. 4 - Roosevelt-Churchill-Stalin conference at Teheran.
Jan. - Marshall island landings.
Jan. 5 - Russians cross 1939 Polish border.
June 5 - Allies enter Rome.
June 6 - Second front opens; Allies make invasion landings in Normandy.
June-July - Seizure of Saipan and Guam, "Bomb Tokyo" islands.
Aug. 15 - Allies land in southern France.
Aug. 28 - Russians cross Hungarian border.
Sept. 2 - Allies enter Belgium; Finland breaks with Germany.
Sept. 11 - Americans cross German border.
Sept. 13 - First flying bombs over England.
Oct. 18 - Philippine landings following great naval victory of Philippine Sea.
Nov. 4 - British troops free Greece.
Dec. 16 - German counter-offensive plunges 40 miles into Belgium.
Dec. 30 - Nazi break-through halted.
Jan. 17 - Russian liberate Warsaw.
Jan. 29 - Russians cross into Prussia.
Feb. 4 - Siegfried line pierced by Hodges' First Army.
Feb. 6 - "Big Three" conference at Yalta.
Feb. 23 - Turkey declares war on Germany and Japan.
Mar. 6 - Americans capture Cologne.
Mar. 11 - Americans cross Rhine near Remagen.
Mar. 16 - Iwo Jima captured.
Mar. 24 - Montgomery's armies cross the Rhine.
Mar. 31 - Russians cross Austrian border.
April 10 - 100,000 Germans trapped in Ruhr pocket.
April 12 - Pres. Roosevelt dies.
April 13 - Russians capture Vienna.
April 26 - U.S. and Red Armies link up.
April 28 - Italian partisans execute Mussolini.
May 2 - Germans surrender in north Italy.
May 3 - British reoccupy Rangoon.
May 5-6 - German armies in west surrender.
May 8 - V-E Day.
June 21 - Complete occupation of Okinawa.
Aug. 6 - First atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
Aug. 8 - Russia in war.
Aug. 9 - Second atomic bomb on Nagasaki.
Aug. 15 - Japs surrender.