330th Engineers

330th Engineer Regiment
China-Burma-India Theater
of World War II

  The writing of this history is dedicated to those members of this organization who along with so many other American soldiers in all parts of the world have given their lives that the principles of democracy shall live.

  The men and their supreme sacrifice will long be remembered by their comrades with deep reverence and respect. Their deeds will be constant inspiration in each individuals efforts in seeing that their sacrifices have not been made in vain. That the principles for which they fought and died will be guarded with eternal vigilance.


PART 1                      A DIAMOND IS CUT                      1942

  The 330th Engineer Regiment was activated on 15 April 1942 at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, as a Special Service construction unit. The organization's initial strength numbered 1 Officer and 73 Enlisted Men. From this nucleus of construction specialists and technicians the 330th grew in one month to a grand total of 1263.

  Towards the end of April a six weeks' period of unit training was begun, and the regiment learned to work, live and fight as a closely-knit team. Shortly before the completion of this training, the 330th was alerted for shipment and 3 days later on 6 June was redesignated the 330th Engineer Regiment (General Service).

  During the remainder of June the questions uppermost in each man's mind were: WHERE? - England?, India?, the Caribbean? - and WHEN? Most of the men were surprised and all were gratified when the answer came finally: the 330th was to build a vital link for the defense of Canada, an airbase at Churchill, Province of Manitoba, Canada.

  When Company "D", the advance party crossed the Canadian-U.S. border at 2200 hours, 19 July, darkness prevented the men from appreciating what this "foreign" country looked like. The next morning early risers awoke the rest with shouts of "Hey we're in Canada!" and "Brother, this is it!" The terrain was slightly mountainous and covered with sturdy hardwood trees. Speeding through the lake-studded province, they noted Canadian farmers at work in the wheat fields. In high spirits upon finding Canada not too unlike their own north central states, they arrived at Churchill on the west shore of Hudson Bay on 21 July. The same day preparations for a regimental camp site were started and freight unloading began at once.

  Within a week the entire regiment with its equipment had arrived at Camp Churchill. Regimental Headquarters was temporarily established in a local school house and the Dispensary in a nearby recreation hall. In adjacent areas pyramidal tents were laid out and tent stoves were installed in readiness for an early and severe winter.

  Preliminary work on the new "Crimson Project" progressed rapidly. During the first week a construction road from Churchill to the project site was opened to through traffic, and a field telephone service was in operation. By 6 August a narrow-gauge railway, called the C.A.& B. (Churchill, Airport & Back) with rolling stock comprised of 4 locomotives, 6 flat cars and 16 gondolas, was carrying freight from the railhead to the building operation.

  Construction of a temporary runway was started with a concerted effort of man and machines, so that in less than a month the 150' by 3500' strip was ready for service. The regiment immediately turned its attention to the building of Runway A. Meanwhile, the builders, anxious for a test of their first landing strip, did not have long to wait for operation to commence. In the early evening of 8 September the drone of an approaching plane was heard and men quickly congregated along the sides of the runway where they could watch a naval observation plane circle the field. Tense silence gripped the spectators as the 10-ton craft touched its wheels to the newly placed gravel surface; but when the heavy-weight rolled to a stop and began taxiing toward them, their anxiety rapidly changed to a vigorous confidence. Their first strip had passed the test! The next day a Lockheed-Hudson attack bomber, A-29, landed on the temporary runway, but it received little more than casual glances. Army and Navy air corps officials congratulated the regiment for a job well done.

  During september blasts of chilling winds and rain began to blow in from Hudson Bay, and soon snow was falling. The progress of Runway A was seriously hampered by combined rain and snow storms. Especially difficult were the last 1000' of the projected 120' by 6000' field. To prevent the concrete from freezing in the intense cold, it became imperative to improvise salamanders and straw was burned in tent stoves to make smudge fires! After a 42-hour continuous operation the concrete was pronounced cured and on 17 October the runway was ready for service. The test for this new strip came 3 days later when a Catalina Flying Boat, PBY-3, took off from the temporary strip and landed successfully on the new concrete paving during adverse weather conditions.

  On the day following, wind velocity rose at times from an average of 63 MPH to an estimated 75 MPH. These high winds, accompanied by driving snow, suspended all operations for the nect two days. On 24 October with wind and storm subsiding, work was resumed, although temperature was recorded at a low of 10 degrees Far. to a high for the day of 21.

  On an inspection tour of the completed project, Premier Bracken of Manitoba, U.S. Consul-General A. W. Klieforth, Vice Air Marshall Shearer and Capt. Bonham Carter, R.C.A.F. Wing Commander, arrived on 3 November. Because of poor visibility and -20 degree weather, the visitors were unable to leave Churchill until 6 November.

  ("Dear Mom, We're playing host to a Premier and Consul-General")

  On 6 November 1942 the 330th was relieved of all assignments on the "Crimson Project" and began preparations for moving out. During the 2 days of departure, 13 and 14 November, the temperature plummeted to -35 degrees Far. Despite severe cold and constant deluge of wind-driven snow, the health of the men was described as excellent. In speeches by Premier Bracken and Consul-General Klieforth on 14 November the regiment was formally commended. Bagpipe music of the Cameron Highlanders greeted our men as they detrained at Winnipeg for the ceremony.

  All units of the 330th had returned to Camp Claiborne by 20 November. Four days later came the big day when officers and enlisted men in two consecutive waves were authorized furloughs, varying from 10 to 15 days.

  Now veterans of 5 months' foreign service, the men returned from their homes wondering what would be next on the program. With customary rapidity the next phase opened up: for the second time the regiment was alerted for movement. Again rumors were the order of the day, and each individual became an expert on the "WHERE" and "WHEN" of the new assignment. Speculating narrowed down considerably when 1st Lt. Stubenvell departed on Christmas Day for Wilmington, California, the Los Angeles Sub-Port of Embarkation. SOON, they knew. But WHERE? Australia or India?

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PART 2                      C B I  ASSIGNMENT                      1943

  The New year found the 330th busily preparing for an overseas movement. With the completion of preparations on 3 January the regiment was restricted to the camp reservation. Regimental Headquarters closed its Camp Claiborne chapter on 5 January, and the same day the unit entrained for Camp Anza, Wilmington, Californai. The 3-day trip across the southwest, for everyone concerned, ended much too soon. Upon arrival at Camp Anza, Staging Area, a 10-day period of harried activity began; there was a never-ending cycle of inoculations, clothing checks, inspections and processing crowded into this short stop-over.

  On 18 January an advance party, Companies "D" and "E", proceeded by motor convoy to Wilmington to act as guards and guides on shipboard. The remaining companies departed by rail at 2000 hours the next day and arrived at 0130 hours 20 January at the port of embarkation, where they immediately boarded the USS Monticello. The ship sailed at 0800 the same day.

  Strength at sailing date - 52 Officers, 2 Warrant Officers and 1176 Enlisted men. Of this strength 3 officers, Capt. Beust, 1st Lt. Croissant and 2nd Lt. Thomason were placed on DS and assigned to cargo vessels, carrying organizational supplies and equipment.

  The voyage was uneventful. On 26 January the equator was crossed with traditional "Neptunus Rex" ceremonies. Despite hot and disagreeable weather, limited water supply and unsatisfactory ventalation, health and morale of the personnel remained excellent. Numerous abandon ship drills were sounded, but no enemy action was encountered. On 3 February the International Date Line was crossed. At 0810, 3 days later, the Monticello docked at Wellington, New Zealand for supplies and refueling. Total distance to Wellington - 6293 miles; straight-line distance - 6208 miles; time underway - 16 days, 4 hours and 58 minutes, is taken from ship's log.

  At Wellington all troops except guard detachments debarked at 1030 hours for a 3-hour exercise march. Reliefs were provided, so that guard companies also had benefit of the exercise and recreation, and the same schedule was repeated on the following day. At 1000 hours on 8 February the Monticello departed Wellington. At this time Company "C" was added to the guard detail, thus placing over half of the regiment on special duty.

  At 1100 hours on 17 February the ship docked in Fremantle, Australia, after being escorted for a day by a Dutch destroyer and British plane. Total distance from Wellington to Fremantle - 3402 miles; straight-line distance - 3314 miles; time underway - 9 days, 3 hours and 34 minutes, as extracted from ship's log. While the ship remained in port for 3 days taking on fuel and stores, troops were again given exercise.

  At 1000 hours on 20 February, escorted by Australian cruiser, Dutch destroyer and 3 flying boats, the 330th departed Fremantle with the course set due west. Thus the destination remained uncertain until, after several days on the Indian Ocean, the course was changed to due north, and it became clear that it was to be India.

  On 22 February the destroyer left the ship with the cruiser as lone escort. The Equator was recrossed 27 February. When land was sighted on 1 March, a corvette replaced the cruiser as escort, and proceeded north along the west coast of India. At 1400 hours, 3 March, the Monticello dropped anchor in the harbor of Bombay, thus ending a journey of 14,177 miles in 36 days, 15 hours and 8 minutes. Total distance from Fremantle to Bombay - 4482 miles; straight-line distance - 4302 miles; time underway - 11 days, 6 hours and 36 minutes; actual sailing time from Wilmington, California, to Bombay, India, 42 days.

  Commendation was received from Capt. B. H. Colyear, U.S. Navy, Commanding USS Monticello, for the manner in which Provost Marshall, Maj. E. H. Daves, Jr., and the Officers and Enlisted Men of Companies "C", "D", "E" and "F" performed their duties as ship's guards.
 330th Engineers View of Road at Mile 70

  With the arrival of Col. John C. Arrowsmith, Commanding Officer, Base Section 3, accompanied by British port officials, arrangements for debarkation and movement of troops from Bombay were scheduled. Plans were also made for Maj. J. Savage, Regimental Engineer and Operations Officer, to proceed with Col. Arrowsmith on a reconnaissance of forthcoming projects. When the Monticello was berthed at Ballard Pier 1330 hours, 4 March, pass privileges were granted to all personnel. On the following day, beginning at 1100 hours, troops debarked and boarded 2 special trains. Under command of Maj. Daves, Train #1 departed Bombay at 1250 hours enroute to Ranchi, Bihar, with personnel including 29 officers and 718 enlisted men. Under Maj. C. L. Lyle, Train #2 departed at 1425 hours with 21 officers and 448 enlisted men for the same destination. During movement original orders were modified, the trains were held at Mohuda Junction when they arrived at 1900 and 2000 hours, respectively, on 8 March. For the night, trains were coupled and shunted to a siding.

  On the following morning at 0800 troops detrained, formed in platoons and marched under arms approximately 10 miles southwest of Mohuda Junction to Camp Chas, a partially completed camp of the Indian Army. Upon arrival pup tents were pitched and limited cooking facilities organized. The unit was temporarily dependent on British depots for all supplies, since no organizational equipment accompanied the troop train and rations were limited to length of journey. Col. Foyor, REME Dhanbad, furnished tents, cooking units and food until American authorities at Ramgarh (nearest American depot) and SOS in Calcutta provided for these needs. Regimental Headquarters was established 10 March and two days thereafter Col. Gleim relieved Lt. Col. Hicks as regimental commander. With in week the regiment embarked on a reconditioning and training program.

  During a softball match on 30 March an unfortunate accident occurred when PFC John B. Cooper, 18105441, "H&S" Company, was seriously injured when accidentally struck on the head by a bat. He was immediately rushed to Combined Military Hopital at Asansol, where he died on 10 April of meningitis. He was buried with military honors in Military Cemetery, Asansol Air Base.

  From 20 March to 27 April small groups of Officers and Enlisted Men were sent to Calcutta, Parbatipur, Ledo and China on detached service. On 2 April under command of Maj. Lyle, Company "B" departed for Base Section 3, Ledo, to establish advance headquarters and to secure all organizational equipment arriving there. On 28 April Maj. Daves flew to Base Section 3 to take command of 2d Battalion and to assemble personnel who had proceeded to Ledo on truck convoy and guard details. On the same day at 0500 headquarters and remaining personnel of the regiment, a total of 7 Officers and 42 Enlisted Men departed Camp Chas for Ledo via Calcutta, Ranaghat, Parbatipur, Dhubri, Pandu and Tinsukia. Travel included standard gauge and narrow gauge rail lines in addition to a river steamer on the Brahmaputra. Considerable difficulty was encountered in coordinating the schedule of troop and freight trains carrying organizational equipment. The movement was exposed to a severe storm enroute from Dhubri to Pandu in the river boat "Mishmi," resulting in loss of personal equipment. Because of those delays, it required 10 days to make the journey, and on 8 May the 330th detrained at Base Section 3 Staging Area, Margherita. On the day following, regimental headquarters was established and the regiment was in a position to take up its major mission of building the Ledo Road.

  Preceeding this movement, Col. Gleim flew from Calcutta to Base Section 3 to take charge of his regiment's road construction activities. At a meeting in Hellgate, 1 May, he was designated Road Engineer and placed in charge of road construction in the entire forward area. On 4 May Col. Gleim established advance headquarters at Hellgate and from there prepared to take the new road southward. Preparation of bivouac areas in vicinity of Mile 41 was already in progress under Lt. Stubenvell, member of the advance party, who had been in forward area since arriving Ledo 30 March. Surveying, clearing and cutting for trace location of the proposed road in Burma was in charge of Capt. Rupert with a party of 3 Officers and 26 Enlisted Men, at those advance points food and supplies were being portered in by native bearers. Remaining personnel of Company "D" moved to Burma 5 May; Companies "E" and "F" proceeded forward on 11 and 15 May respectively.

  On 21 May Company "B" represented American forces in Base Section 3 in a parade at Digboi, observing the Indian national holiday. Company "B" together with a portion of "H&S" Company remained in Margherita staging area to work on base roads and quarrying projects. On 23 June "H&S" Company Motor Section proceeded to Hellgate with shop units to repair and maintain 21 battalion vehicles and heavy equipment beyond the Burma border.

  Radiogram received 24 June scheduled departure of Officers an Enlisted Men on Detached Service with Base Secrion 2 and set 30 June as the last of three rail movements to Ledo from Calcutta. On 29 June Lt. Landry and 100 Enlisted Men of Company "A" arrived in Ledo. Strength reports of 30 June reflect the loss of 1 Officer and gain of 2 Enlisted Men.

  The movement of the entire regiment to Base Section 3 was accomplished on 2 July with arrival of Company "C" at staging area. Thus four months after reaching India, both battalions were operating in the same area and on related projects.

  The 1st battalion, stationed in the Base proper, was engaged in building and maintaining roads, operating gravel quarries and constructing a 10,000-man laundry. At this time the Powai-Digboi road and soon thereafter the additional stretch from Makum Junction, previously maintained by the British, were included in 1st Battalion responsibilities. To the 2d Battalion, located in the forward area, went the job of hacking out the Ledo Road from northeastern India into Burma. Company "D" was the point, cutting trace; Company "E" followed, building culverts and drainage works, placing fill and widening cuts, with the assistance of Company "F". Road metal was being spread by "F" Company, whose responsibilities included quarry operations. After the middle of the month, this forward area group was augmented by the movement of Company "C" into Burma, the advance party arriving to lay out the camp site 16 July.

  It is impossible to exaggerate the difficulties which beset the 330th Engineers at this juncture in their road building career. The terrain, the season of the year and the lack of supplies and equipment, all stood in the way of the engineering task ahead. With Pangsau Pass rising almost a mile above the low-lying plain of the Upper Assam Valley, the terrain is extremely mountainous, cut by swift running streams and dense jungle. Except for a footpath, known as the "Refugee Trail," no line of communication had ever connected India with Burma. Operations were being started just at the outset of the monsoon season, which makes Burma one of the wettest spots on earth.

  Shortage of supplies and equipment, an unavoidable situation in a young theater far removed from home base, played a disheartening part as the regiment pushed the road out of India and through the stoop defiles of Burma. This shortage was not aided by the currently available transportation system, whereby every pound of food and material had to be packed forward by native porters, as the weather and terrain grew worse, labor trouble developed and fewer porters were available for supplying advance units.

  By August the lead dozer reached Mile 49.75, despite continuous rain which periodically stopped all traffic forward. Slides and road blocks impeded the work and hampered the portering of food and fuel. Company "A" was dealyed two days in moving forward by washout of bridge "19", arriving at Mile 40.48 on 15 August. The following day remaining personnel of 1st Battalion, Company "B" excepted, left the Base and established camp and headquarters at Mile 40. This move was designed to relieve the 2d Battalion of all maintenance, quarrying and metalling and to permit concentration of personnel on the job of pushing the point.

  Cpl. Milton J. Fitzsimmons, 35377050, Company "A", died of cerebral malaria at Tincha, where he was working with the advance trace location party. Due to heavy rains and the difficulty of portering over the jungle trails, he was buried at Camp Tincha and final rites were performed by Lt. O'Malley.

  As the road advanced further from the base of operations, the necessity of spreading out personnel and their limited number threatened to retard the progress of the point. For this reason, at a meeting held at Road Headquarters on 27 August, a new division of 330th became responsible for cutting the trace only. The work of widening, metalling and maintaining was detailed to other organizations. A further effort to speed the program at the point was put into action at this time with the departure of Lt. Harvey, 6 Enlisted Men and 3 dozers from Nawng Yang (Mile 47.25) for Namlip (70.50) via the "Refugee Trail." It was proposed to start working the point from Namlip in both directions. After 5 weeks of continual hardship and struggle with the jungle, this detachment succeeded in following the bypass to its destination and the 3 dozers immediately went into action. This feat of endurance materially aided in the attainment of the final goal.

  During the month of September, incessant rains continued to impede progress. Equipment was laost when trace shelves were washed out and dozers were buried in slides. Personal equipment and the men themselves were continually wet. Fortunately no serious injuries to personnel were incurred. From 28 to 29 September, the point virtually came to a standstill. During the last 5 days of the month 14.88 inches of rainfall were recorded; total rainfall was 23.35 inches.

  Additional duties during September included sawmill operation at Mile 46.5 and a detachment of 21 skilled rechnicians were flown to China to supervise work on the repair of the Burma Road and landing strips. At this time also authority was granted for a regimental coat of arms with the following specification: shield to be gules, Cleopatra's Needle, arriswise, in dexter chief a compass rose, arget, creast - none; motto - Petit Ardua Vittus (Courage aims at difficult tasks).

  Pfc. James J. Curran, 3331446, Company "D", died on 5 October of fever of unknown origin. With great difficulty his body was removed by tractor to Nawng Yang and thence by ambulance to Ledo. He was buried on 7 October in American Cemetery, Ledo, with military honors.

  Pfc. Tollie F. Hudkins, 35292680, was instantly killed on 13 October by a tree felled by Chinese engineers. At the time he was riding in a truck evacuating sick of Company "D". Injured in the same accident were Cpl. Raymond T. Temrick and Pvt. Raymond Cole. The injured were taken to 20th General Hospital. Pfc. Hudkins was buried on 15 October in American Cemetery, Ledo, after cermonies conducted by Company "B".

  After four months' work at the point, Company "D" was relieved on 16 October and immediately evacuated to a rest camp for recuperation. Company "E" was placed at the point and all available equipment was utilized to make necessary move and to resume operations. At this same date Lt. Col. Hicks was relieved as Section Engineer, Base Section 3, and proceeded to Nawng Yang, Mile 47.50, to rejoin Regimental Headquarters; Comapny "B" and remaining personnel of "H&S" moved forward to Tincha at mile 59.50. During October the general inspection of the regiment was conducted by Capt. Darrell F. Johnson, IG. The report stated that the morale of the men and the organizational records were superior. Regarding the accomplishments of Company "D", the following is quoted from this report: "Their fortitude displayed is comparable to that cited for combatant troops." A letter of commendation was received from Col. Lewis A. Pick, Base Commander; on 4 November, for this company's outstanding work and morale, "while pushing the point in spite of incessant monsoon rains, difficult supply lines and inadequate shelter."

  Although the primary mission of the 330th was the Road, Company "B" and a portion of "H&S", assisted for several weeks by Companies "A" and "C", were retained in the Base area from April to mid-October to take charge of subsidiary projects. Working under the direction of Lt. Col. Hicks, men of these units achieve a notable record. Over 70 miles of road, including main and access roads, were built, metalled and maintained. Four quarries were set up, one of which made daily shipments of from 80 to 150 car loads for use in airstrip construction. Loading platforms, laundry facilities and other structures were completed. Pipeline was laid from Digboi oil refineries to Margherita, approximately 10 miles in length. Pipe was also distributed, ready for coupling, from Margherita to Mile 14, approximately 21 miles, at which stage the work was taken over by a pipeline unit. Pipeline projects were on a 24-hour schedule and were carried on despite the monsoon rains and dust which obscured the route when the roads dried out.
 330th Engineers Mud in vicinity of Loglai

  Thanks to the arrival of dry weather in November, conditions became favorable for road construction. The 1st Battalion took over forward operations on 14 November when Company "B" relieved "E" at the point, which had now reached Namlip, Mile 70.75. At about the same time, Company "A" turned its sawmill operation over to 29th Combat Engineer Battalion. Production for the 6-week period was approximately 300,000 board feet of lumber. Improvement of the trace, widening and draining, became the duty of 2d Battalion. On 15 November Company "D", now returned from rest camp, began cutting new trace at Mile 62.00, designed to eliminate excessive grades.

  As the month of December opened the point had progressed to Mile 82.40. With the continuance of good weather a new target date for the trace as far as Shingbwiyang, Mile 117, was set for 1 January 1944; and the regiment spared no effort to accomplish this objective. The procedure of by-passing road-building equipment over the "refugee" and jeep trail made it possible to work 3 and 4 points simultaneously. Personnel worked long and arduous hours, and as a result of this pressure the tempo speeded up so that the cutting of trace increased to an average of a mile a day. Companies moved forward as the point progressed and the rear company relieved the advance unit. Regimental Headquarters and "H&S" Company moved twice in a 10-day period; on the first of the month to Namyang, Mile 83 and on 9 December to Kumkidu, Mile 90.

  With the advance of the point to Mile 106 on 18 December after joining independent sections of trace, the regiment began operation in enemy-held territory. War Department General Order #75, dated 29 October 1943, designated this forward area of Base Section 3 as a Combat Zone and authorized wearing of a bronze star on the service ribbon to all personnel operating or stationed therein. Upon approaching this dangerous vicinity there was no hesitation in exposing equipment to observation of the enemy-occupied valley ahead; however, extra precautions were ordered, and security vigils were maintained as the job was pressed forward.

  On 23 December by-passing the line of the trace, dozers went ahead over the "refugee trail" to Salt Springs at Mile 112, where an independent section was set up working in both directions, and to Shingbwiyang, Mile 117, to work northerly. As the goal came in sight, cutting of trace proceeded at a furious pace; over a mile on both the 23rd and Christmas Day, 3 miles on the 24th and a mile and a half on the 26th.

  Beating the deadline by 4 days, on 27 December the 330th Engineers accomplished the mission of cutting a military road through north-western Burma to Shingbwiyang, the advance supply point set up by the Japanese as a threat to India. On the morning of this eventful day, 2 dozers, working north and south, closed the remaining gap of 2700 feet at 1121 hours, meeting at Mile 114.5, thus linking Shingbwiyang to Ledo. 54 miles of trace had been cut through virgin jungle in 57 days. A procession of trucks, jeeps and all personnel of the construction crews formed; cameras flashed; and led by Col. Pick, the 330th drove the remaining 3 miles to Shingbwiyang.

  In anticipation of this "break thru," Col. Pick had arranged air dropping supplies for a celebration and proclaimed a holiday for all 330th personnel. The celebration was held at Chinglow, Mile 106, where Col. Pick addressed the gathering and congratulated the men for accomplishing every difficult mission, commending the speedy completion of the task. Following the Base Commander, Col. Gleim and Lt. Col. Hicks praised units, officers and men and expressed appreciation for the close co-operation and assistance furnished by other organizations within the Base. While music and entertainment were offered by 18th Special Service Unit, beer, coffee and doughnuts were served and luxuries such as cigarettes and candy were distributed, It was 330th day.

  Added tasks completed by the regiment in December included 2 airstrips at Kimkidu and Shingbwiyang. Completion of the Kumkidu strip, left partly finished by advancing Chinese engineers, was undertaken by "H&S" Company. After 3 days work the field was extended from800 to 1200 feet in length, repaired and compacted, thus meeting the scheduled operation date of 16 December. During this work comedian Joe Brown and song writer Harry Barris landed at Kumkidu, lunched with "H&S" Company and put on a show for an hour and a half immediately thereafter. As this was one of the few periods of entertainment in the month, the visit was a welcome treat. At Shingbwiyang Company "B" on 28 December began work on extending the strip to 1500 feet.

  Mention should be made of the stalwart Medical Detachment, which, under the capable direction of Maj. Saturnino M. Gonzalez, fought the mud, rain and jungle pestilence to render aid to the sick and ailing. They shared the hardships and difficult conditions of the Burma campaign. The excellent health record of the personnel during these trying times is a credit to their untiring effort. The regiment owes a debt of gratitude to the major as well as to Capt. Sidney Cohen, Medical Officer, and Capt. Gerald P. Jones, Dental Officer, for a job well done.

  Through the disheartening monsoon of 1943, through jungle heat and man-made dust storms, through weeks of inadequate shelter and personal discomfort when ration and supply lines were cut off or imperiled, through days of discouragement when more trace was lost than gained - through all these periods of stress the spirit of the 330th never wavered. Officers and men overcame these extreme difficulties with ingenuity and versatility. It is a fit ending to this cycle of 1945 that the day after completing the break-through the construction crews went back into action with the same zest and enthusiasm embodied in the regimental motto "Petit Ardua Virtus." The immediate task was to carry the trace forward from Shingbwiyang south to the Tanai River (Upper Chindwin), a distance of 30 miles, through an area still in enemy hands. Companies "A" and "B" undertook this task on 31 December and started the project with 2 dozers under constant vigilance of guards from both the 330th Regiment and the Chinese Army in India.

  A letter of commendation from Col. Pick, received on 3 January, reads as follows: "It is indeed a privilege and a pleasure to officially recognize the splendid work which the 330th Engineers did in pushing the road trace during the period October 22nd to December 27th, 1943. During this period the point was pushed forward 56½ miles in 66 days, or almost half of the distance between Ledo and Shingbwiyang, although the going was just as hard if not harder than in that portion of the road which had already been completed. When it is considered the condition of the equipment, the difficulties of the terrain, the long supply lines which had to be maintained, and complete lack of clearing in many areas, yours is a remarkable record and deserves the highest commendation."

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 330th Engineers Flash Flood near Loglai

 330th Engineers View of finished Road near Loglai

 330th Engineers Wash-Out near Loglai

 330th Engineers Hair Pin Turn on Ledo Road, Mile 80

 330th Engineers Wash-Out Mile 50

 330th Engineers Slide on Ledo Road, Mile 60

PART 3                  BUILDING THE STILWELL ROAD                  1944

  In coordination with the opening of the Ledo Road to Mile 117, the first Allied combat unit to reenter Burma by vehicle, the 38th Chinese Division, followed the lead dozer into Shingbwiyang in a column of 55 trucks. Thus the initial phase of the Burma campaign, the forcing of the Jap-held Hukawng Valley, was ready to march at the beginning of the year 1944. The 330th Engineers' part in this phase included both combatant and constructive accomplishments; the progress of the Road and the prosecution of military objectives were one and the same operation. As the fighting progressed, engineer troops were bridging the rivers and opening the way through dense jungle for tanks and infantry.

  South from Shingbwiyang, military requirements dictated temporary use of an existing road which roughly paralleled the proposed Ledo Road alignment. This road, running through Ningam, Yupbang, Maingkawn, Wallabum and Tinkawk, is referred to as the "Combat Road" and was used by combat forces spearheading the advance on Mogaung. During the monsoon season this route was normally impassable to vehicles and many of the stream crossings were fords or ferries which operated only in dry seasons. For this reason engineer troops and in particular the 330th were employed to improve the Combat Road and to keep it open until the major task of constructing a new road through this swamp-infested valley could be completed for use as a supply road.

  As of 1 January the regiment was located in the Shingbwiyang area and its assignments consisted of the following major projects: 1) the Shingbwiyang - Tanai River road (Combat Road), 2) Shingbwiyang airstrip and 3) grading and widening approaches to Shingbwiyang from Mile 104 to 117. Companies "A" and "B" completed the Tanai River road on 6 January and the route was opened to jeep traffic. At the time of construction the terrain traversed was subject to enemy patrol action and the Japanese main body was entrenched south of the Tanai River. Organizational strength at first of January 1944 - 49 Officers, 2 Warrant Officers and 1205 Enlisted Men. On 25 January Lt. Col. Hicks took command of the 330th, replacing Col. Gleim who was placed on special duty with Headquarters Base Section 3. Maj. J. W. Savage was appointed Executive Officer and Capt. W. H. Murray, Regimental Engineer.

  Additional working parties from the 330th were engaged on smaller projects for both Road Headquarters and Advance Combat Headquarters. Designated as "Mission Y", 3 officers and 13 Enlisted Men were given a secret assignment on 9 January, working under the direction of Combat Headquarters. The mission consisted in cutting a 13-mile road through dense jungle southeast of Shingbwiyang and required 2 shifts working round the clock. A security detachment of 37 riflemen a 6 machine gunners was furnished by the 1st Battalion. Work began at 1400 hours on the above day and was finished at 0430 hours on 12 January.

  Pvt. Dorval L. Ellis, 35617620, Company "A", died on 5 January at the 151st Medical Battalion clearing station, Tagap, Burma, of typhus-like fever. He was buried in the American Cemetery at Ledo, final rites performed by the Base Chaplain.

  Tec-5 Richard A. Gordon, 35402094, Company "C", was instantly killed on 13 January while felling a tree which slipped over the dozer's blade and struck his chest. He was buried with military honors by the Chaplain on 14 January in the American Cemetery, Ledo.

  A detachment of 42 Enlisted Men and Lt. D. M. Landry of Company "A" under command of Capt. P. J. Bamburger arrived at Ningam Sakan at 0530, 6 February and commenced operations on "Mission 2". The objectives of this mission were: 1) to build a landing strip at Taipha Ga for twin-motored cargo planes and 2) to construct an access road from Nigham to the location of the strip, a distance of approximately 14 miles. At daybreak the work party with 3 dozers, motor patrol, 4 dump trucks and jeep began cutting through the trace to Taipha Ga and reached this destination in time to service equipment, pitch tents and dig in temporary defenses adjoining the project site, which was within sound of srtillery and machine gun fire. Work on the Taipha Ga strip commenced at daylight the next day. At 0930 shell fire was directed against the south end of the project where a dozer, motor patrol and 12 men were engaged in clearing. The men dispersed in time to prevent casualties. The clearing party withdrew to the comparative safety of the north end, and the work of grading and clearing proceeded. At 1630 and 1800 hours the site was again shelled. At 2000 hours the detachment camp was subjected to heavy shelling, determined to be 155mm; at it became necessary to move to a location a mile to the rear. On returning in the morning numerous shell holes were observed marking the site of the original camp. At 0530 work was resumed on the strip, which had been completed on the first day to the extent that light planes could land and take off. When a transport planes started dropping supplies at 0800, enemy fire opened up again. As the fire grew heavier, operators and other personnel sought safety in fox holes. At approximately 1000 hours machine gun and rifle fire raked the south end of the strip. An enemy patrol had infiltrated to this distance, but were driven off by the Chinese. At 1030 a squadron of American fighter planes strafed the Japanese positions and artillery fire ceased therefrom immediately. The strip was completed at 1200 hours, 8 February. As the detachment moved out, shelling was again resumed by the enemy. The completed runway measured 160' by 4900' and was constructed in a total of 14 working hours. Completion was accomplished by use of dozer tracks, which was approved as fulfilling specifications.

  Commendation for the above mentioned mission from Headquarters Base Section 3, dated 9 February, 1944, reads in part: "Again the 330th Engineers have produced under the most trying circumstances. The difficulties encountered, especially the almost constant enemy artillery fire, made this a most difficult task. The conduct of the officers and men was such as to warrant the highest commendations; therefor, as Base Commander, Base Section Three, SOS, USAF in CBI, I consider it a privilege to express my personal appreciation for this splendid job."

  On 9 February Company "B" moved to Tasok River, approximately 5 miles south of Shingbwiyang, to carry out the following assignments: 1) to improve, metal and maintain the Ningam Road from Shingbwiyang to Yupbang, Mile 136, and 2) to develope and exploit the Tasek River Gravel Pit Number 1 and the tarung River Gravel Pit Number 2, established at Yupbang. A dump truck unit was attached to the operation for hauling the gravel from both pits. Operations started 11 February. In 3 months' time these pits produced 145,000 cubic yards of gravel.

  In February the 330th resumed operations on the Ledo Road, taking over its construction. Across the swampy stretches of the Hukawng and Mogaung Valleys it was necessary to place a heavy fill. Ahead of the regiment were the survey parties and the trace cutting parties, now comprised of men from other organizations. Company "A" was the first of the 330th companies to take up this new phase of the work, completing its move to a new camp site 3.78 miles south of Shingbwiyang on 13 February. In addition it furnished a detachment to assist Company "B" on the Ningam Road and was engaged in building roads for the Shingbwiyang Sub-Base. Company "C" moved on 18 February to a site south of Shingbwiyang to assist in this work.

  Pfc. Jose G. Carrasco, 3814650, Company "D", was killed instantly on 22 February by an explosion while loading stumps with TNT for blasting. He was buried two days later in the American Cemetery, Ledo, final rites being performed by the Base Chaplain.

  In March a detachment of 10 men under Lt. Harvey, who had volunteered for a secret mission with the First Provisional Tank Group, Chinese New First Army on 26 January, advancing into action. The mission was to clear a road for the tank group as it attacked. General Joseph W. Stilwell commended those 330th men for their meritorious conduct in a letter dated 14 March 1944 from Headquarters, Chinese Army-in-India, a part of which is quoted to describe this action: "During the period 3 March 1944 to 9 March 1944 the detachment constantly operated in front of the tanks, cutting trail and preparing river crossings while under enemy sniper and machine gun fire. The detachment is commended for resolute conduct under very difficult terrain conditions and while frequently in contact with enemy opposition." In 1st indorsement thereto, Brig. Gen. Pick, Commanding General, headquarters Base Section 3, added: "So far as is known to me the detachment from the 330th Engineers as listed in the basic communication is the only unit of its kind in the American Army. It was recruited of volunteers and placed into service with the First Provisional Tank Group, Chinese New First Army, without any previous training or without knowledge of what its duties were to be. Whatever their duties were, it is common knowledge that every one has been performed in a most efficient manner. In fact, in such a creditable manner as to receive the personal commedation of the Theater Commander."
 330th Engineers View of Road looking west from Mile 81

  On 10 March, to replace men wounded at Ngam Ga, 3 volunteers proceeded to join Lt. Harvey's bulldozer detachment. The wounded men were Tec-4 Alfred T. Wooten, 38048031, Tec-5 A. D. gary, 38111032, and Tec-5 Norman L. Remus, 37177933, who were individually awarded the Purple Heart for injuries received in action on 5 March as described above. In addition, the 2 first named, Tec-4 Wooten and Tec-5 Gary, were awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action. On this same night, while safely protected in a shell hole covered by a dozer, the above named men noted that the dozer had been struck by enemy fire and took measures to extinguish the flames with dirt. During this performance they were standing in the bright light of the blazing dozer and under constant rifle, machine gun, mortar and artillery fire from all directions. Efforts to put out the fire were not stopped until both men were unable to stand due to their serious wounds. After crawling back under the dozer, they waited until the action had slackened to call for help. As a result of this gallantry, it was possible to repair the dozer and continue operations the next day. For gallantry in action from 3 March to 9 March, Lt. Harvey was awarded the Silver Star and cited for personally leading his bulldozer detachment under constant enemy fire.

  During March Company "A" continued to push forward the trace while survey work for the road was in progress. On 18 March the company moved to the vicinity of Makaw on the new trace near the Tawung River, approximately Mile 157 and took over the job of clearing and grading between the Tawung and the Lamung Rivers. Until a supply road was opened over the main road, Company "A" maintained the jeep road so that supplies could go forward from Lalawn Ga to Makaw. Company "B", located at Tasok River, continued maintenance operations on Numgam road and construction of the airport at Shingbwiyang. Assisting in the latter task was a detachment of 1 officer and 30 men from Company "C". This company, originally scheduled to move to a site at Lamung River, pushed forward to Walawbum to build an airstrip and to improve the combat trail from Taipha Ga to Maingkwan. Of the 2d Battalion companies, "D" was completing grading operations between Chinglow and Shingbwiyang; "E" moved to the vicinity of Lamung River; and "F" started work on the permanent Tanai River bridge at Nritu Ga, a priority job.

  During April the first of the monsoon rains began, thus impeding the progress of the road. By 20 April the Company "A" section of grading, between the Tawung and Lamung Rivers, was opened to light traffic.

  On 18 May the dump truck motor pool and gravel trucks were moved from Tasak River to Tanai River to continue gravel operations south on the main road. This marked the completion of the road as far south as Tawang River with the connection of gravelheads south of Yupbang Ga, at 0700 hours 17 May. Rain fell almost daily throughout May; for a ten day period 9.10 inches were gauged at Lashu Ga camp. Despite rapidly rising rivers, the 330th pits continued to produce gravel and reserve stock piles were in readiness. Several camps had to be abandoned because of flash floods and companies were forced to move. Due to the rains, the combat road became impassable and traffic on the ungravelled section of the main road was suspended. Combat operations south of Tinkawk were dependent on air transport for all supplies. On 29 May gravelheads between Tawang and Tanai Rivers met and the road went forward in spite of rains.

  Task assignments as of June 1 were as follows:

      Company "A" - Operation of Tanai gravel pit.
      Company "B" - Operation of Tasek gravel pit and Shingbwiyang airstrip.
      Company "C" - Maintenance and improvement of Combat Trail from Mile 190 to 213 and                     maintenance of airstrip at Mile 212.50
      Company "D" - Movement to Tawang-Tanai road section.
      Company "E" - Gravelling and maintenance operations Mile 145 to 152.
      Company "F" - Road maintenance from Mile 139 to 145 and cofferdams at Tawang River                     bridge.

  Due to high water on 8 June, 2 gravel pits located at Tanai River were discontinued and new locations started. Both the Tawang and Tanai bridges were kept free of drift. The Lamung River bridge washed out despit efforts to break up the accumulation of logs by dynamting. On 9 June Companies "D" and "F" made emergency repairs to the remains of the bridge and by 2330 hours the same day a temporary structure was in use. Work was started on a permanent bridge which was opened for traffic on 23 June.

  Without any abatement of the heavy rains, the Tawang, Tanai and Lamung Rivers continued to rise above the flood stage, causing havoc and damge to the road, bridges, gravel pits and camps. The 330th was called upon to assist other units to keep perating sections of the road open; and Company "E" was requested by Brig. Gen. Pick to clear slides, re-gravel wash-outs and repair damaged structures north of Shingbwiyang. The Tawang River bridge settled out of line, requiring that it be closed to traffic. On 23 June Company "A" was assigned to construct a new bridge from the north bank and to dismantle the old. production of gravel at Tasok pit was greatly reduced when high water limited operation to the north bank. Gravelheads came to a standstill. Faced with the menace of floods, both Companies "E" and "F" moved camp to higher ground. Floods stopped the construction of plank and corduroy road on the section paralleling the Magwitang River. The Magwitang River bridge was 6 feet under water and approximately 9000' of the Ledo Road was inundated. Total rainfall for the month of June was measured at 25.83 inches.

  Tec-5 Earl R. Farmer, 37286986, was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received on 28 May when his dozer blade struck Japanese anti-personnel mine at approximately Mile 199.5 on the Combat Trail.

  For heroism and initiative displayed in controlling fire inside gun carriage the night of 13 June, Tec-4 William A. Heberger, 16092402, Sgt. gaylord V. Ferguson, 37269392, and S/Sgt. John H. Landreth, 38141980, were awarded the Soldier's Medal.

  Rivers continued to rise with destructive force. On 3 July the Tanai reached a height of 17.5 feet above mean low water level and Companies "A" and "D" moved their camps out of danger to Mile 140.0 and 140.5 respectively. On 2 July the Tawang overflowed its banks and flooded the "H&S" Company tent area. On the following day this company and Regimental Headquarters broke camp at Nritu Ga and proceeded to Lashu Ga, approximately Mile 139.0.

  The Magwitang roase to a height of 6 to 12 feet above the road's finished sub-grade. To carry the road across the flooded section of the Magwitang Valley, Brig. Gen. Pick on 4 July ordered the construction of a causeway, 18 inches above high water level. A drag line equipped with pile driving rig was immediately rushed to the site; and Company "E" started driving piles at 1300 hours the following day. 2544 piles and 800,000 board feet of lumber were used in building this structure, measuring 10,200 feet in length. The 3-pile bents were spaced 12 feet on center; docking was 11 feet wide, which, with 6-inch wheel guards, provided a net roadway width of 10 feet. Longitudinal tread surfaced the causeway. On 10 August the project was completed and at 1345 hours the first convoy crossed the Magwitang Causeway headed for Tinkawk. On 16 August gravel operations south were resumed.

  Tec-5 Felix Barros, 3735007, Company "E" was drowned in the overflow of the Magwitang River, paralleling the Causeway. Burial services were held on 28 July.

  Total monthly rainfall dropped in August to 16.32 inches fromthe July high of 29.89 inches. This permitted the regiment to increase its bridge building activities and other engineering projects.

  During August bridge projects included the Lamung, Tawang and Mogaung bridges. Company "F" worked on the second traffic lane of the Lamung bridge from 24 August to 5 September. High water at the Tarung River on 29 August required the opening of the new Tawang bridge, while still under construction, to permit traffic to avoid the hazard of the ponton bridge. Construction was completed on 8 September, permitting Company "F" to start operating the Tawang and Tanai gravel pits.

  Tactical operations required immediate repair to the railroad bridge in the vicinity of Mogaung on the Myitkyina-Mandalay Railriad. In compliance with radiogram received 12 August from Brig. Gen. Pick, a reconnaissance mission to Mogaung was immediately made by Lt. Col. Savage, Capt. Murray and Capt. Bamburger and preparations were made for a work party from Company "A". On 16 August Company "A" established a camp 4 miles north of the Nansang River on the Shadazup-Warazup road as a base of operations. The only practical means of communication with Mogaung was by barge on the Mogaung River. Transportation of equipment and supplies by this means was hazardous. On 25 August a detachment of 2 Officers and 44 Enlisted Men started reconstruction operations on the Loilaw bridge. In the meantime miscellaneous repairs to the Mogaung railraod bridge had been completed.

  By 1 September Company "A" had 3 officers and 111 enlisted men engaged in rebuilding the battered Loilaw bridge.demolition and bombing had completely demolished the pony truss and the two deck plate spans just west of the pony truss span. The trestle approach had also been destroyed. The extreme east girder span and extreme west girder span were both still in place and in fair condition. There were 6 brick masonry piers and 1 masonry abutment still standing. The abutment was on the east end of the bridge. The bridge was rehabilitated by constructing a 86-foot welded I beam approach on timber and steel pile bents on the east end and adding a 23-foot welded beam girder span for the west approach. The 44-foot intermediate deck plate girder spans were salvaged or refabricated. The main channel span of 107 feet was replaced by the use of a H-20 bridge, which had two intermediate pile supports. The Loilaw River railroad bridge was rehabilitated and opened for jeep and rail traffic on 16 October and opened for locomotive traffic on 20 October. Upon completion of bridge construction in the Mogaung area, Company "A" was assigned road maintenance in the Warazup area until the 31st of October when it started on grading assignment on new trace south of Warazup.

  Tec-5 Ferguson A. Bell, 19097693, Company "A", drowned at 1700 hours 6 September when a small ferry boat sank in the Mogaung River. A number of British, Indian and Chinese troops drowned in the same accident. Tec-5 Bell's body was never recovered.

  Tec-5 Porter R. Albright, 13084152, Company "D", drowned on 8 September. His body was recovered on 10 September by a fishing party at the Tanai River. Burial services with full military honors were held at 1030 o'clock the following day.

  The Inspector General commenced his annual inspection on 12 August. In memorandum dated 18 August it was stated: "The Inspector General believes that officers and enlisted men of the 330th Engineer Regiment deserve commendation for having always completed their mission regardless of conditions imposed on them by nature or the enemy. The general rating for this regiment is Superior."

  Tec-5 Alfred T. Hendrickson, 35323956, was awarded the Soldier's Medal for initiative and heroism displayed in saving the life of a fellow soldier in the Tanai River on 26 January.

  On 13 September Company "D" moved to Warazup to take over construction operations of the Warazup airport, maintenance of the Combat Road, and operation of gravel pits as Company "C" was relieved therefrom and was moving camp to Palderin Sakan. On 26 September a meeting was held at Headquarters SOS, Warazup, relative to construction, extensions, and improvements of the Warazup airstrip. All grading and surfacing in connection with the proposed construction together with the improvement of the surfacing of the preasent runway was assigned to the 330th Engineers. Also assigned was the task of laying out and surveying necessary for the grading work. The work to be carried out was assigned to the 1st Battalion, with Company "D" attached. On 12 November the construction of the Warazup airport was completed and maintenance thereof was turned over to another engineer battalion; Company "D" moved to new grading assignment on road south of Warazup.

  On 15 September Company "F" started construction of a Bailey steel bridge over the Numhkang River. At the beginning of the construction the bailey bridge was placed over the structure of the old Numhkang River Bridge in order to permit one-way traffic. Traffic was diverted on 7 October when the right half of the bridge was completed and on 16 October the entire construction of the Numhkang River Bridge was completed.

  Total rainfall for the month of September in vicinity of Nritu Ga was 12.29 inches.

  The following were task assignments of companies as of 1 October: Company "A" - reconstruction of railroad bridge in the vicinity of Mogaung; Company "B" - operation of Tasok River gravel pit, maintenance of Shingbwiyang airstrip, access roads, and maintenance of Ledo Road from Shingbwiyang to Mile 107.68; Company "C" - maintenance of Combat Road, clearing a trace for hauling and installing pipeline south of Warazup along Combat Road, and continuing movement forward to new camp at Pakhren Sakan; Company "D" - maintenance and construction of extension at Warazup airstrip, operation of gravel pit at Nam Sang River; Company "E" - maintenance of Magwitang Causeway, hauling and spreading operations for initial graveling of Ledo Road from Tanai River to the Causeway; Company "F" - operation of Tawang River gravel pit, construction of pile bridge over the Numhkang River and maintenance of Ledo Road from Tawang to Tanai Rivers.

  On 12 October Road Headquarters gave the 330th the job of grading the new trace of the Ledo Road south of Warazup. This grading was to proceed at an average rate of 500 feet per day per company and a grading company would move every 20 days to a new camp site.

  On 4 October the 1st platoon of Company "B" moved from Shingbwiyang to the vicinity of Warazup for grading work on combat road. The remainder of the company was relieved from all construction assignment in the Shingbwiyang area and completed its move to Warazup on 23 October. Company "B" was the only company of this Regiment that remained in one area for a considerable length of time - approximately 8 months. Its principal assignments during that period were the operation of the Tasok River gravel pit, which produced during the period 240,973 cubic yards of gravel and 4,240 cubic yards of sand, the maintenance of approximately 5 miles of the Ledo Road, improvement and maintenance of the Shingbwiyang airport, and construction of numerous bomb dumps and access roads.

  Total rainfall in the vicinity of Nritu for the month of October was 14.04 inches.

  Companies "E" and "F" turned all operations in the tawang-Tanai River area over to another engineer organization on 2 November and prepared to move south of Warazup. A 17-mile grading project south of Warazup in the vicinity of Nampin was assigned to the regiment. Of this 17 miles, 8 miles were completely relocated and cleared because of swampy conditions. On 19 November an additional 15 miles of grading was assigned.

  The urgency for completion of the road was stressed by the Base Commander in a letter to Col. Hicks, in which he complimented the regiment highly, stating in part that, "in most instances the job has been built around your outfit, so whatever we have been able to accomplish, a large part of the credit should go to your organization."

  The 330th Engineer Regiment received credit for battle participation in the India-Burma Campaign as established in War Department General Order No. 75, dated 29 October 1943 by authority of Headquarters, USAG, IBT.

  During the month of December 165 rotational personnel were assigned to this organization, of which 5 Officers and 129 Enlisted Men had reported. On 27 December Col. Hicks relinguished command of the 330th Engineers to Col. W. E. Lorence, assigned as rotational replacement. In a departing message Colonel Hicks expressed his feelings of regret and unhappiness in leaving the unit after association with it since its activation in April 1942. With the strength on 31 December of 54 Officers, 3 Warrant Officers and 1,404 Enlisted Men, the 330th Engineers, with another year of tireless courage, never ending efforts and a will for superior performance, closed the year with a definite mark toward the establishment of a supply line to China.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

 330th Engineers Temporary Ponton Bridge - Irrawaddy River

 330th Engineers Gravel Hauling at Mile 280

 330th Engineers Approach to Irrawaddy Bridge, Mile 261

 330th Engineers Irrawaddy River Ponton Bridge, Mile 261

PART 4                    MISSION COMPLETED                    1945

  The beginning of 1945 brings the 330th Engineer Regiment an almost complete rotation of personnel, both Officers and Enlisted Men. By the end of January, 448 rotational replacements had been processed. Using the learn-as-you-work method, each replacement became the understudy of the man he replaced; thus the change-over in no way caused an interruption of the work schedule. Organizational strength at the beginning of the year - 52 Officers, 3 Warrant Officers and 1389 Enlisted Men.

  Task assignments for January included grading of the Ledo Road from Mile 226.5 to Mile 243. To expedite graveling and maintenance on their respective sections the following companies moved to new camp sites: "D" to Mile 240 on 24 January, "A" to Mile 256 on 17 January, and "C" to Mile 248 on 24 January. On completion of grading to Mile 238.62, Company "A" began to work on Myitkyina Cut-off.

  On 20 January the following maintenance assignment were made:

      Company "B" - Mile 252.95 to 256.75
      Company "C" - Mile 242.95 to 252.95
      Company "D" - Mile 235.70 to 242.95 and roads in Namti Sub-base
      Company "E" - Mile 207.50 to 222.60
      Company "F" - Mile 222.60 to 235.70

  Rain fell on two consecutive days in January, halting traffic and construction operations; with this exception operations progressed steadily.

  All echelons of the regiment were alerted on 2 January when a member of Company "F" reported a Japanese patrol in the vicinity of Mile 240.5. A patrol, sent out to investigate the infiltration, failed to contact the enemy. Information was evaluated and on 4 January units resumed normal status.

  An emergency haul of ponton equipment to the Shweli River near Namkham for the 71st Engineer Light Ponton Company was undertaken on 16 January. The main body of Japanese forces was driven out of Namkham a few hours before the arrival of the convoy, which was held up for 2 hours while Japanese snipers were routed. The equipment reached its destination at 2330 hours, 17 January. On the return trip a truck collided with a Chinese-driven weapons carrier. The convoy driver, Pvt. Ira E. Leftin, 6282789, was thrown clear of the truck and received injuries which paralyzed him from the waist down. The convoy returned to the regiment on 20 January. Pvt. Leftin was taken to 44th Field Hospital.

  On 15 January, Tec-4 Ervin H. Lenz, 37269404, Company "A", died as the result of an explosion of an empty gasoline drum being welded. Efforts to save his life by flying him to 48th Evacuation Hospital were unsuccessful. He was buried with full military honors on the following day in the American Cemetery, Myitkyina. The service was conducted by Regimental Chaplain.

  In recognition of the outstanding contribution made by the 330th Engineers on the construction of the Ledo Road, the Commanding General, Advance Section 3, requested that representatives of the regiment accompany the "First Convoy to China." On 16 January S/Sgt. David C. Anderson, 16025750, and Tec-5 Arthur T. Lewis, 31191452, "B" Company,reported to Road Headquarters to participate in this history-making event. Except for 20 miles on the old Burma Road between Namkham, Burma, and Wanting, China, the new lifeline to China was now constructed and freed of enemy opposition. The building of the road was described by brig. Gen. Pick as "the most difficult road job ever undertaken in war times by the U.S. Army." The convoy departed Ledo on 14 January at the signal of Lt. Gen. Dan I. Sultan, Theater Commander. It was halted at Namkham while enemy resistance was wiped out at Mu-Se on 22 January and Mong Yu on 27 January. Led by Brig. Gen. Pick, the "First Convoy" arrived in Kunming on 4 February. Letters of appreciation were received by S/Sgt. Anderson and Tec-5 Lewis.

  A second convoy mission from Myitkyina to the Shweli River was accomplished on 22 January as an emergency movement. Additional convoy duty was required on the regiment to move the Chinese 10th Engineer battalion from the Irrawaddy River to Wanting. The convoy, under command of Lt. James E. Spikes, was held up at Mu-Se, Mile 463, on 27 January and remained bivouaced until the following day while combat operations cleared away the last enemy opposition. On 29 January, just behind the "First Convoy to China", the 10th Chinese Engineers were delivered to thei destination, and the 330th detachment began the return trip, reaching Myitkyina 3 days later.

  During the month of January the following changes in command were effected within the regiment: Lt. Col. Bernie O. Henderson replaced Lt. Col. Daves as 2d Battalion Commander, and Lt. Col. Albert McVey was made Regimental Executive Officer, vice Lt. Col. William J. Savage, relieved.

  On 3 February an advance party of Companies "E" and "F" departed for Ledo to make preparations for constructing a new pipeline from Tinsukia to Mile 14. Companies "E" and "F" and Hqs. Detachment 2d Battalion departed on 5 February for this new assignment.

  Two convoys, carrying rotational personnel left for the Staging Area at margherita on 4 and 5 February. Capt. Alfred L. Deust followed on 6 February to organize a casual company for 330th personnel awaiting travel orders to the United States. A large percentage of these men volunteered for convoy duty to China, in answer to a recruiting program for truck drivers, which provided for flying volunteers from Kunming to Calcutta on the return journey, first leg of the trip home.

  Company "D" moved to Ledo on 9 February, completing the movement of the 2d Battalion for the pipeline job. Companies "E" and "F" occupied camps at Margherita and Nakum Junction respectively.

  Regimental Headquarters and "H&S" Company established new camp at Mile 255.6 on 12 February. At the same time Comapny "B" moved its base of operations to Mile 274.2, east of the Irrawaddy, to work on bridges and road relocation. On 16 February Col. Lorence, Regimental Commander, was placed on temporary duty with Advance Section to act as Executive Officer.

  Construction of a convoy service station at Mile 257, known as Myitkyina Transport Station, was started on 21 February by work parties from 1st Battalion. The job consisted of 14 buildings, a large vehicle parking area and miscellaneous grading and roads, to which were later added a P.O.L. station, access roads and utilities. Other projects included a construction party working with advance Road Headquarters at Bhamo and survey of the proposed road relocation between Myitkyina and Tengchung, China via Sadon. On the latter project 8 men were detailed to work under Road Headquarters with the mission of locating the trace for the proposed cut-off road and obtaining profile and stadia data. Rapid progress was made on the survey despite difficult and often inaccessible terrain. After 9 weeks of steady labor, profile and stadia were completed as far as Paoshan, approximately 90 miles beyond the contemplated destination; the party returned to the regiment.

  Morale and health of the 330th was reported as excellent. Close supervision of sanitation and malaria control was reflected in the small number of cases hospitalized for tropical diseases. As a boost to morale in this period, living conditions improved; recreational facilities, movies and Special Service shows were provided; and the fresh foods included with regular rations gave evidence of progress in supply.

  Col. Hicks, past regimental commander, was awarded the Legion of Merit "for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service during the period 25 January to 28 December 1944.... Col. Hicks displayed rare qualities of leadership and with untiring energy, courage and singleness of purpose, led his organization to the successful completion of its assigned missions despite jungle terrain and monsoon rains. These tasks included construction of Combat Road in the immediate support of the Hukawng Valley Campaign and keeping open to traffic during the monsoons, new and difficult sections of the Ledo Road trace. The outstanding leadership of Col. Hicks reflects great credit upon himself and is representative of the finest traditions of the Armed Forces of the United States."

  Pvt. Monroe H. Cheery, 35489977, Company "D", died as a result of injuries received in a truck accident at Mile 23.5 on 4 March. He was buried in American Cemetery, Ledo, after services performed by the Chaplain, 14th Evacuation Hospital.

  The Ledo-Myitkyina-Kunming Road was redesignated by the Theater Commander in March as the "Stilwell Road." All previous references to the "Ledo Raod" in this history will be construed as "Stilwell Road." At this time the 330th was placed under direction of Stilwell Road Headquarters.

  During the Period march-April-may the emphasis changed from road construction to the new pipelines and other facilities. Except for minor relocation projects, road work comprised maintenance only. Plans for the pipelines contemplated a 6 inch line to Myitkyina and a 4 inch to Kunming, as well as other special storage and pumping facilities. In general, pipelines paralleled the road, and as such, traversed most difficult mountainous and jungle terrain.

  Construction activities for this 3-month period were as follows:
    1. Mytikyina Transport Service facilities, access roads, POL station, utilities and fencing.
    2. Road maintenance from Mile 242.93 to 277.0 and Myitkyina area.
    3. Road relocation Mile 272 to 276.6.
    4. Pipeline from Tinsukia to Loglai.
    5. Pipeline from Myitkyina to Namti.

  Rapid progress on the pipeline required the 2d battalion to move Companies "D" to Mile 94.0, "E" to Mile 62.9 and "F" to Mile 75.5 between 16 and 26 March. On the other end of the line, clearing trace from Myitkyina to Namti began on 19 March, following the Myitkyina-Mogaung Railroad. On the next day cargo planes commenced flying pipe into South Strip at Mytikyina; unloading and stacking details were furnished. During April 1st Battalion companies completed 93,033 feet of the line assigned to them and the 2d Battalion was 80% complete on its section. maj. gen. Covell wired the following message of commendation to the 330th: "You and your pipeline forces have accomplished another fine job in the completion of the second pipeline to Bhamo. Great Stuff."

  Lt. Col. Warren George, after completing his assignment with Stilwell Road headquarters, took over the 330th Engineers Command on 14 April from Col. Lorence, who became Executive Officer, Advance section 3.

  On 8 May the long awaited announcement of "VE" day was made. To the CBI troops it meant the war against the Jap would be intensified many fold. With increased concentrations of our forces in China and in the Pacific, the Service of Supply would be required to increase its facilities all the way along the line. At this time the following commendation was received from Maj. Gen. Covell: "With the surrender of Germany, General Brehon B. Sommervell, commanding all Army Service Forces Troops, has asked me to forward the following radiogram:


  "To General Sommervell's praise I would like to add my own expression of appreciation. Your untiring efforts in attacking and solving the most difficult and perplexing problem of supply that ever confronted service troops of the United States in any way already has helped to bring an early conclusion to the war in Burma. In the meantime, by laboring, you have kept the supplies rolling to China and Burma in ever increasing volume.

  "I know that you will accelerate the job of pushing the war closer to the doorstep of Japan so that we can hasten that day when we can all go back home."

  Coordinated with the announcement of Victory in Europe, came the Army Readjustment Plan in which all members of the regiment were personally concerned. The importance of this plan, on which depended the crucial question, "When to go Home", was discussed throughout the organization; and the Information and Education Officer visited each unit and showed the War Department film on the subject, Two Down and One to Go. The first to go, a group of 8 Enlisted Men, left for the United States on 27 May for discharge under the Readjustment Plan. Change came to the India-Burma Theater in connection with the Readjustment of the Army at about this time, when the Service of Supply was absorbed by the Theater Command and Maj. Gen. Covell relinquished his command with the following message to all troops:

  "On the eve of departure from the India-Burma Theater for a new assignment, I take this opportunity to tell all of you how appreciative I am of your constant loyalty and unswerving attention to duty. Your hard work and your accomplishments in making the longest supply line in the world an unqualified success will live long in my memory. I know you all will carry on in the same fashion until the job is finished."

  Maj. Leo C. Novak was made commander of the 1st Battalion, relieving Lt. Col. Mushake, the first field grade officer to be returned to the United States under the Readjustment Regulations. Capt. Kenefick was appointed acting regimental engineer on 5 June.

  Pfc. Gerald L. Smith, 42121487, Company "B", died at 18th General Hospital on 26 June of pneumonia. He was buried at American Cemetery, Myitkyina, after services by Chaplain McKeith, Regimental Chaplain.

  Pfc. dennis R. Skinner, 37525896, and Pfc. Adolph Grant, 39133705, Company "A", who had been reported missing while on flight from Shingbwiyang to Warazup on 30 May, were dropped from the regimental rolls as missing after the lapse of a 30-day period.
 330th Engineers Completed Road at Mile 276

  In addition to regular road maintenance work and continued pipeline operations, accomplishments during June included completion of the Namti section of pipeline on 13 June, a convoy to China by Company "E" and an emergency bridge job at the Mogaung River. After the acceptance of the 6 inch fuel supply line by Pipeline and Petroleum Distribution Section, Advance Section, a break occurred at Mile 173.5 resulting in a fire; all the 1st Battalion companies were mobilized to control the blaze. Damage was not extensive, but caused delays in pumping operations. Pipeline Headquarters and the Regimental Commander gave Sgt. Donald Stout, 36749016, Company "D", special commendation for outstanding work on the construction of the 6 inch line. The 330th Engineers' contribution to this line was recognized at this time by Gen. Wheeler in a letter of commendation.

  As the month of July opened, the regiment was releived of other assignments and assigned to Southern Area Command under Advance Section, which was broken up into commands for Northern and Southern Areas, Motor Transport, Signal, Ordnance Services, Petroleum Ditribution Section and 20th General Hospital. This did not materially change the activities of 330th units; the 2d Battalion continued with work on the pipelines and construction of pumping stations, and in some sections undertook their operation; the 1st Battalion remained in the Myitkyina area and was chiefly concerned with road and bridge maintenance and general construction. Company "B", in addition to building an air-conditioned surgical ward for 18th General Hospital, was engaged in special work for the Typhus Control Commission. Recent outbreaks of scrub typhus in Burma were considered a serious threat to all troops and every effort was made to take preventative measures. In these measures the Medical Detachment was successful in maintaining a high standard of health.

  The work of "A" and "C" Companies on the Mogaung River Bridge at Mile 201 was rushed as an emergency job. The washout brought traffic on the Stilwell Road to a standstill. Reconstruction plans called for a temporary crossing to re-open the road and a 1-lane Bailey Bridge with minimum number of piers and maximum span lengths. Companies "A" and "C" started the project on 27 June; Company "C" arrived in Warazup ahead of "A" to put in a ponton bridge, but this work was turned over to a Light Ponton company. Work was delayed by difficulty in hauling supplies and by severity of the monsoon storms. Upon completing the project in less than a month both companies were given special commendation. nature was less impressed, however; in a very short time thereafter torrential rains wrecked the bridge. Company "C" returned to its temporary camp site at Mile 201 and spent the month of August reconstructing the Bailey Bridge for the second time.

  During the 1945 monsoon season, wash-outs and road blocks were a constant menace to convoy operation on the road. The regiment's 146 miles of road required continuous maintenance and frequent emergency repairs. Traffic was slowed down but it never stopped for longer than a day or two before the maintenance crews had opened up the blocked section or repaired the river crossing. Mud on the stretch between Mile 42 and 46 caused frequent stoppages and required repeated emergency repairs by the 2d Battalion.

  By the middle of August the end of the war was assured. Final announcement of the Japanese surrender was eagerly awaited. In the meantime another change of assignment came to the regiment; the 330th was relieved from Southern Area Command and assigned to Northern Area. Company "B" was placed on temporary duty with the former Command to operate utilities and provide maintenance for the Myitkyina area. By the end of August both Companies "A" and "H&S" had sent advance parties to Ledo to prepare for the final movement of the regiment. At this date officers strength had decreased under the Readjustment Plan to 34 Officers and 1 Warrant Officer, with the loss of Lt. Col. McVey, Maj. Novak, Maj. Oleen, Capt. Baylass, Capt. Hinton, and Capt. Koneflick during the month.

  The climax of its regimental career came to the 330th on the 2d of September 1945 and the final, complete unconditional surrender of Japan was proclaimed. Except for cleaning up, the job was done. Every member of the regiment had contributed his share and was entitled to point to the record with pride. With the proclaiming of the peace came the announcement that evacuation of the China and India-Burma Theaters would be carried out in the most expeditious manner possible.

   Except for Company "B", Myitkyina area was evacuated by the 330th, and the other two 1st Battalion companies together with "H&S" moved into the "stateside" area, formerly occupied by the 69th General Hospital at Mile -6. This area provided basha-type barracks, running water, completekitchens and mess halls and its own recreational facilities such as theaters, and softball and basketball courts. In addition to the recreational opportunities in the Ledo area, these conveniences marked a new high for living conditions as compared to previous arrangements during the regiment's 2½ years in the India-Burma Theater.

  Regimental Headquarters was established in Ledo on 10 September. Lt. Col. George was appointed Road Maintenance Engineer, responsible for the Stilwell Road from Mile -38 to 99, as well as for access roads in the Ledo area, and was named Commander of the 69th General Hospital Area. On the staff to direct work in this area were Capt. McBride, Capt. Bruhn, Capt. Buchan, Capt. Lampner and 1st Lt. Sherwood. On 27 September Lt. Col. George received the Legion of Merit and was cited for "exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding duty during the period 14 April 1944 to 25 February 1945." Special orders dated 27 September promoted Lt. Col. George to Colonel.

  During the last week in October the 330th Engineers were given the job of moving engineer equipment out of Burma, and were placed in charge of other engineer units for this purpose. Plans were drwn up immediately for convoying heavy equipment and trucking material from both Bhamo and Myitkyina. By the 5th of November this project was underway and emergency repair units and POL stations were organized to expedite the movement. Despite the lack of engineer and ordnance heavy maintenance shops, the convoys maintained their schedules and kept equipment losses to a minimum. By the end of November Bhamo was cleared out; and the final stages of the move from Mytikyina and Shingbwiyang were completed by the end of December.

  On 22 December the 2d Battalion established headquarters in the area formerly occupied by the 20th General and 25th Field Hospitals; at the same time Companies "D", "E", and "F" moved into this area from their camp sites in the Burma hills. At about this time Company "B" completed its movement from Myitkyina to Ledo and occupied a portion of the "Stateside" area. Thus, for the first time since leaving Camp Chas almost 3 years before, Christmas of 1945 found all the companies of the regiment housed in the same locality. To depict graphically the movements of 330th units in the CBI Theater a chart entitled "Camp Sites" is included in this history. It will be noted that the regiment was never stationary for a long period of time and was in the forefront in the construction of the Road, the pipeline and other special assignments.

  As the year 1945 draws to a close the 330th is still actively engaged in such essential tasks as: final settlement of property, disposition of excess and surplus equipment and maintaining the Ledo base and its utilities. At the end of the year the regimental strength numbered 42 Officers and 736 Enlisted Men, all replacements of the original complement of men who had pioneered the building of the Stilwell Road.

  In summarizing, the outstanding achievements of the regiment's diversified activity over a four-year period include the airbase at Camp Churchill, Canada, in 1942, the construction and maintenance of the Stilwell Road during 1943 and 1944 and the fuel pipelines from India to Burma and China, completed in 1945. Commanding the 330th Engineer Regiment's part in the Theater's mission the following statement from the speech by Gen. Pick is here requoted: "in most instances the job has been built around your outfit, so whatever we have been able to accomplish, a large part of the credit should go to your organization." Concurring in this evaluation of the regiment's accomplishments, Gen. Wilson, Commanding General, Intermediate Section, selected the 330th Engineers for the task of closing the Ledo base, and thus we leave the 330th Engineer Regiment on its final assignment.

 330th Engineers Gravel Pit at Mile 280

 330th Engineers Culvert at Mile 275

 330th Engineers Grading Operation at Mile 276

PART 5              COMMENDATIONS AND DECORATIONS              1943-1945


Base Section 3,
November 1, 1943

  SUBJECT: Commendation.

  TO: Company "D". 330th Engineer Regiment. (Thru: The Commanding Officer, 330th Engineer Regiment.)

  1. The following extracts are from the annual general inspection report of Company "D", 330th Engineer Regiment:

  "This company was the forward unit of its regiment and was engaged for approximately six months, before relieved, in work under most difficult living and operating conditions. In spite of incessant monsoon rains, a difficult supply line, and inadequate shelter, work was steadily pushed forward. The inaccessible location did not permit any amusement and constant work was the only activity for this long period."

  "At the annual inspection not a single complaint was received by the inspector general and observation otherwise indicated the high morale prevailing."

  "Their fortitude displayed is comparable to that cited for combatant troops. This company is deserving of special commendation."

  2. This report is worthy of the finest traditions of the Corps of Engineers, and I herewith commend the officers and men of Company "D", 330th Engineer Regiment.

s/Lewis A. Pick      
t/LEWIS A. PICK      
Colonel, CE        


Base Section 3,
January 2, 1944

  SUBJECT: Commendation.

  TO: The Commanding Officer, 330th Engineer Regiment (GS)

  1. It is indeed a privilege and a pleasure to officially recognize the splendid work which the 330th Engineers did in pushing the road trace during the period October 22nd to December 27th, 1943. During this period the point was pushed forward 56½ miles in 66 days, or almost half of the distance between Ledo and Shingbwiyang, although the going was just as hard if not harder than in that portion of the road which had already been completed. When it is considered the condition of the equipment, the difficulties of the terrain, the long supply lines which had to be maintained, and complete lack of clearing in many areas, yours is a remarkable record and deserves the highest commendation.

  2. It is desired that this commendation be circulated to the Regiment and that a copy be placed in the historical record of the Regiment for future reference.

s/Lewis A. Pick      
t/LEWIS A. PICK      
Colonel, CE        

U.S.A.F. IN C.B.I.
A.P.O. 689

9 February 1944

  SUBJECT: Commendation.

  TO: Commanding Officer, 330th Engineer Regiment.

  1. The detachment of 330th Engineers commanded by Captain Paul J. Bamberger and Lieutenant Daniel H. Landry, dispatched to the front for the purpose of constructing a landing field at Taipha Ga, has carried out its mission in a highly efficient manner and the work was completed on time. Again the 330th Engineers have produced under the most trying circumstances. The difficulties encountered, especially the almost constant enemy artillery fire, made this a most difficult task. The conduct of the officers and men was such as to warrant the highest commendations; therefor, as Base Commander, Base Section Three, SOS, USAF in CBI, I consider it a privilege to express my personal appreciation for this splendid job.

  2. It is desired that a narrative account of the building of the landing strip at Taipha Ga, together with this letter, be made a part of the historic records of the 330th Engineer Regiment.

s/Lewis A. Pick      
  LEWIS A. PICK      
Colonel, CE        

A.P.O. 689

14 March 1944

  SUBJECT: Commendation for Meritorious Conduct.

  TO: Commanding Officer, 330th Engineer Regiment, A.P.O. 689.

  1. A detachment from the 330th Engineers was attached to the First Provisional Tank Group, Chinese New First Army, from 26 January 1944 to 10 March 1944. This bulldozer detachment aided in the movement of the First Provisional Tank Group from Shingbwiyang to Walawbum, in Northern Burma and thereby helped to make possible the flank movement and subsequent attack from Rungwan on the Japanese defense at Walawbum. During the period 3 March 1944 to 9 March 1944 the detachment constantly operated in front of the tanks, cutting trail and preparing river crossings while under enemy sniper and machine gun fire.

  2. The detachment is commended for resolute conduct under very difficult terrain conditions and while frequently in contact with enemy opposition.

s/ Joseph W. Stilwell      
Lieutenant General, USA 

1st Ind.

HEADQUARTERS, BASE SECTION 3, SOS, USAF in CBI, APO 689, March 21, 1944. TO: The Commanding Officer, 330th Engineer Regiment, APO 689.

  1. So far as is known to me the detachment from the 330th Engineers as listed in the basic communication is the only unit of its kind in the American Army. It was recruited of volunteers and placed into service with the First Provisional Tank Group, Chinese New First Army, without any previous training or without knowledge of what its duties were to be. Whatever their duties were, it is common knowledge that every one has been performed in a most efficient manner. In fact, in such a creditable manner as to receive the personal commedation of the Theater Commander.

  2. It is indeed a privilege to be able to forward to you this commendation of the Theater Commander with the statement that I am sure that this detachment has well earned this commedation, and it behooves me and the remainder of the 330th Engineers to add our sincere commendations as well.

  3. It is requested that copies of these commendations be made and presented to each member of the detachment, and a copy be placed in the historical records of the 330th Engineers.

s/ Lewis A. Pick         
  LEWIS A. PICK         
Brigadier General USA,


APO 885
3 July 1944

  In reply refer to: 32136/201.22

  SUBJECT: Commendation.

  TO: Commanding Officer, 330th Engr Regt, APO 689.
      (Through Commanding General, Base Section No. 3, SOS, APO 689)

  1. I note with gratification that your organization has received a general rating of "Superior" at the time of the Annual General Inspection, fiscal year ending 30 June, 1944.

  2. It is desired that you express to all members of your organization my hearty congratulations and appreciation of the splendid effort on their part which has made the attainment of the high rating possible.

s/ W. E. R. Covell          
   W. E. R. COVELL          
Major General, U.S.A.    

1st Ind.

HEADQUARTERS, Base section No. 3, SOS, USAF in CBI, APO 689, 5 July 1944. TO: Commanding Officer, 330th Engr Regt., Base Section No. 3.

  1. It is a distinct pleasure to have the opportunity of forwarding the above letter.

  2. I wish to add my commendation to that of the Commanding General, SOS, USAF in CBI, for the splendid manner in which your organization is carrying out its assigned task.

s/ Lewis A. Pick         
  LEWIS A. PICK         
Brigadier General USA


March 15, 1945

  TO: Commanding Officer,
      330th Engr Regt.

  THRU: Road Headquarters.

  Here we should like to extend to you our hearty thanks for the help you rendered us on our last move. You have sent trucks six times for that move and even moved some of our men beyond, Bhamo, Namkham up to Selan. Your drivers were all very punctual and obliging which is very much appreciated by this regiment, officers and men.


/s/ C. Y. Kao      
/t/ C. Y. KAO      


A.P.O. 689
19 July 1945

  SUBJECT: Commendation.


  1. The 2nd Bn, 330th Engineer General Service Regiment, has done an outstanding job on the construction of the 6-inch pipeline, rehabilitation of the 4-inch motor fuel line, and emergency repairs on the 6-inch pipeline.

  2. Many of the emergency repair jobs were carried through to completion on a twenty four (24) hour basis, with utter disregard to weather conditions and the difficult terrain. These untiring efforts on the part of the Officers and Enlisted Men of this organization made possible many hours of pumping time which would otherwise have been lost.

  3. This headquarters wishes to commend the 2nd Bn, 330th Engineer General Service Regiment, for their splendid work, cooperation, and diligence while engaged in Pipeline construction and repair.

/s/ Bernie E. Morse      
/t/ BERNIE E. MORSE      
Colonel, C.E.        

1st Ind.


TO: Commanding Officer, Southern Area Command, APO 218.

  1. This headquarters wishes to express to the Officers and Enlisted Men of the 2nd Battalion, 330th Engineer General Service Regiment, its appreciation for your proved efforts in maintaining a high degree of efficiency and displaying unusual initiative in both your assigned duties and your assistance to other units of the Service. The splendid spirit shown by you reflects great cedit upon your unit and the service.

  2. I personally wish to thank all of you for your diligence and cooperation.

/s/ Paul F. Yont          
/t/ PAUL F. YONT          
Brigadier General, USA

2nd Ind.


TO: Commanding Officer, 330th Engr GS Regt, APO 218.

  1. I wish to personally convey my appreciation and congratulations to the officers and enlisted men of the 2d Battalion, 330th Engr GS Regt, for the splendid record of accomplishments and devotion to duty as exemplified by the attached letter of commendation written by Colonel Birney K. Morse, Commanding Officer, Pipeline and Petroleum Distribution Section.

  2. Officers and Enlisted Men of the 2nd battalion are to be commended on their fine spirit of cooperation and accomplishments during the period of pipeline construction.

/s/ R. A. Hirshfield      
/t/ R. A. HIRSHFIELD      
Colonel, CE,          


COLONEL WILLIAM E. HICKS "For exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service during the period 25 January 1944 to 28 December 1944."

COLONEL WARREN GEORGE "For exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service during the period 14 April 1944 to 25 February 1945."

LIEUTENANT ALBERT J. HARVEY "For gallantry in action from 3 March to 9 March 1944."

TECHN FOURTH GRADE ALFRED T. WOOTEN "For gallantry in action on the night of 3 March 1944."

TECHN FIFTH GRADE A. D. GARY "For gallantry in action on the night of 3 March 1944."

TECHN FIFTH GRADE ALFRED I. HENDRICKSON "For initiative and heroism displayed in saving the life of a fellow soldier on the afternoon of 26 June 1944 in the Tanai River."

TECHN FOURTH GRADE WILLIAM A. HERBERER "For initiative and heroism displayed in controlling a fire inside a gun carriage on the night of 13 June 1943."

SERGEANT GAYLORD V. FERGUSON "For initiative and heroism displayed in controlling a fire inside a gun carriage on the night of 13 June 1943."

STAFF SERGEANT JOHN H. LANDRETH "For initiative and heroism displayed in controlling a fire inside a gun carriage on the night of 13 June 1943."

TECHN FIFTH GRADE EARL RALPH FARMER "For wounds received while operating a bulldozer, clearing an old Japanese Evacuated area."

TECHN FOURTH GRADE ALFRED T. WOOTEN "For wounds received in action on 3 March 1944."

TECHN FIFTH GRADE A. D. GARY "For wounds received in action on 3 March 1944."

TECHN FIFTH GRADE NORMAN L. REMUS "For wounds received in action on 3 March 1944."







 330th Engineers
Capt. Malcom L. Buchann
1st Lt. Gordon G. Sherwood
1st Lt. James E. Spikes
1st Lt. Bradford S. Tilney

S/Sgt. Ottone A. Calanca
S/Sgt. Hyman Rosonsky
S/Sgt. James R. Stair
Sgt. Howard Cause
Sgt. Robert Reznick
Sgt. Roger C. Wiley

S/Sgt. Roland E. Ramlow
Sgt. Frank G. Malone
T/5 Frank P. Sarakauskas
Sgt. Carl F. Eklund
Sgt. Sam J. Jackson
Sgt. Richard L. Mautz
Sgt. Hugh C. Miller
Sgt. Ralph R. Sager
Cpl. Robert C. Benthall
Cpl. Peter J. Pacello
T/5 Gordon A. Evans
T/5 Severin M. Gapinski
T/5 Sam D. Irvine, Jr.
T/5 Louis T. McConnell
T/5 Edward T. Wright
Pfc. Frank Veltre
Pfc. Gaspar A. Valenti

 330th Engineers

330th Engineer Regiment Unit History provided by Ronald Bleecker, son of
1st Lt. Francis A. Bleecker, Executive Officer of Company "D" 2nd Battalion
330th Engineer Regiment (General Service).

Adapted for the Internet by Carl W. Weidenburner

Copyright © 2006. All rights reserved.